Chapter 2

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4 days later

A slight pain in my throat woke me up early this morning. Needing to use the bathroom I got up and freshened up while I was already in there. I came out and looked over quickly to Max seeing he is completely knocked out.

I walked around to the night stand and picked up my phone noticing the flashing light. I stared intently at the anonymous message on my cell. Not fooled by who the sender is. Fury slowly made its way through me as I scrolled through the countless messages she sent.

"Enjoy him while you can..."

"Soon we will be married and you'll be old news".

It's Bianca's sick way of forcing me to break and I have to admit it was working. Slowly but surely.

I'm not one to easily goad when it came to other things but when it came to my emotions and Max it was pushing it. She was pushing it.

I decided not say anything to Max and slowly walked towards the window. I contemplated playing her game. I am grown and I can handle her. She wants to play nasty.

I can get even nastier.

And I proved it to her after the next text which pissed me off...

"I seriously think he is with you because you're an easy lay...."

I tapped away at my reply...

"No boo boo don't get it twisted....To you I may be an easy lay for him. but for him im the best lay he has ever had and will be forever."

I stared at the text for a while. Fuming and anxious to be done with her.

Determined to get under her skin, I pressed send.

A torrent of other texts followed one more heated then the next until finally I got fed up of her antics and laid it out thick with her taunting.

"How does it feel to be needy that you have to blackmail someone into marrying you. You're like a pathetic mutt needing a pork chop hung around your neck so a child can play with you....So so sad..".

She did not reply.

I stood staring at the blank screen waiting but .....nothing.

After a while of waiting, I was satisfied with her non response. I tossed my phone on the table in time to see Max slowly rise up from the bed. He looked my way with drowsy gorgeous bedroom eyes and threw me a kiss before going into the bathroom.

I sighed and turned to stare out the window. I paid little attention to the achiness in my body I was feeling, it had to be the stress and tension from all of the drama she was causing.

My eyes slowly took in the sky rises at a distance and dark blue sky that beautifully brightened slowly with its pre-dawn light. A breathtaking view I loved seeing from his room.

My fingers touched the cold window pane absorbing the coolness. Shivering a little I could only imagine the weather beyond it. The Nippy, breezy and chilly November morning that awaits us.

As I get lost in the scenery before me, I feel Max's strong hands circling my waist and soft lips press to my shoulder. His warmth and tenderness made me smile. Pressed against my back, he caressed me as his lips kissed the edge my ear.

My eyes slowly close and the tenseness in my shoulders relax with his touch.

I savored the husky rich tone of his voice whispering Good Morning in my ear and sending a delicious tingling sensation down my spine.

A Night to remember : Book 2Where stories live. Discover now