Chapter 20

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Amused brown eyes twinkled with triumph as I was tackled to the ground and pinned by her weight.

With a breathless chuckle I laid there and felt her gently sit on me.

"Pay it up. You still need to pay rent while you're in jail." She giggled as I stretched my arms wide. I refused to pass the dice.

"I'm broke and down to my last $500 are you trying to leave your future husband in jail only to be free living on the streets," I frowned.

The way she shook her head and tried not to laugh was too much.

"Not my fault you rolled a bad 6 and landed on Marvin Gardens," she giggled.

"If I hadn't traded it with you for Ventnor you would have never been able to buy those damnable houses there." I pointed out.

Yeah, you guessed it. It's Monopoly mayhem in the Chase home as my cunning opponent has just about every property on the board bought. Then she got cocky, bought red and green blocks, then littered theme everywhere, now their mocking me and leaving me completely broke.

That triumphant smile when I landed on her property with 3 hotels was brutal. That was overkill and unnecessary.

So it was down to 3/4th of the board all hers and we were playing this thing down to the end.

"So what's it gonna be champ are we forfeiting or...Are we gonna going another roll?" She smiled, handing out her hand, waiting for me to hand over the dice.

"I don't know. I'm broke, fresh out of jail, I have no home. I can't afford the expensive houses or one night in the hotel..." I chuckled as she laughed.

"I may have to ask a certain someone to give this poor soul some work in exchange for room and board." I pouted with a sigh and held my chest.

I smiled as she settled over me and rested her forearms on my chest.

"Hmm..what type of work?" she asked.

I rested my hands on her ass and gently squeezed it.

"Anything that will keep me under her roof. She is a real looker," I grinned.

"Oh really? Anything?" she arched her brow with a smile.

I turned her over on her back and settled above her and playfully nipped her chin.

"Anything," I watched her smile widen and she pulled my head down to press her lips to mine.

We kissed as it would be our first kiss of the day amazingly since waking up. It was a much anticipated one because of the crazy busy morning, the little peck we gave each other waking up out if bed could only hold us for so long. So you can only imagine how this kiss felt.

I broke away from the kiss to slowly nibble on her jaw down to her neck.

"Good, because I need help cleaning the bathroom." she gingerly sighed. I paused. Slowly lifting my head to look down into her sparkling gaze that strained to maintain the serious look.

The short silence only lasted 2 seconds as I shook my head and chuckled with her laughs and giggles as I tickled her.

"You said anything, "she squealed and bucked beneath me.

Soon she begged for me to stop until I gave up and rested above her. Breathless she smiled as I kissed her lips and buried my face in her neck.

We enjoyed this. Sprawled out on the living room floor just lost in the moment with loving kisses and her sweet laughs as I whisper funny things in her ear.

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