Chapter 8

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4 days later.....

It's been 4 days and an ordeal in hell because she hasn't woken up yet. And as you guessed it I was banned from seeing her. Yes...her parents refused to let me see her.

But I refused to move from this spot. On the first night it was difficult. The 2nd night I left to take a shower, came back and crashed in the chair in the waiting room. The 3rd day I got some sympathy from a few of the nurses and was covered with a blanket by one of them. By the 4th day, it was rough and I was at my whit's end. I woke up to someone stroking my hair and a soft, familiar voice of my sister Amanda.

Surprisingly, her presence did me some good because I don't think I have ever been so happy to see her. Since I refused to speak to my father or Mother, a visit from anyone else was just as good.

She smiled sympathetically at me and rubbed my arm as she knelt before me. Soon the goofy, familiar smiles of Carla and Brian joined in.

"Man can you lay it thick with the drama, this shit is everywhere in the papers" he chuckled rubbing my hair.

I groaned at my aching back as I sat up straight to look at them. I felt the way I must have looked... awful.

"How could you let this happen Max?" Amanda asked, sitting at my side.

I lowered my head into my hands and wiped my face, then stared at her with my tired eyes.

"What do you mean Amanda, how could I fall in love with a Winthrop you mean?" I stared at her.

She lowered her gaze. I know she would take on the same views as my father. So I left the baton of this conversation in her hands, I wasn't in the mood to argue.

Exhausted and on edge I told them everything from the very first moment I laid my eyes on Kira up until when her brother found us. And even now how her parents refuse to let me see her.

Amanda reached over immediately and hugged me giving me all the comfort I needed. And Brian joined in with his crazy comforting words.

"What are you gonna do?" Brian asked.

I shook my head and looked dead in his eyes. "I don't know...but I'm not moving from here until I see her."

It wasn't until the 5th day when she finally opened her eyes and the dark clouds looming over me slowly went away.

I sat anxiously waiting to get more information. My heart swelled when I heard she had no major injuries, no broken bones just a slight concussion, bumps and bruises.

My eyes burned as I tried not to ball like freaking kid with the nurse that had silently become our staunchest supporter when I begged her just a few minutes to see Kira.

She was hesitant. But when she saw how agitated Kira had become when her father insisted that I not see her, it was enough for her to give in to my plea.

"This is only so that she can calm down. She is still not fully recovered. I will give you 15 minutes as soon as her father leaves," she warned nervously.

I nodded. I'll take it. Whatever it takes to see her. To comfort her. I'll take it.

I paced and waited.

Finally, I was ushered back to her room. I stood by the door and didn't last there not even a second as she frantically stared at me as if she were waiting for me as well. If she could, she would jump off the bed and run to me that much was evident as I pulled her into my arms.

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