Chapter 3

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3 weeks later

~Why was this happening?~

Everything was going fine the first week when Kira returned that Sunday from D.C.

We had thought we were going to return to an ambush. but everything was calm. Too calm actually. Like the calm before a big storm was going to hit.

We took each day with caution because it was too good to be true that we heard nothing from Bianca the first two days. Thanksgiving was 2 weeks away which Kira would spend it and the following 6 days after away with her parents in St. Croix.

So we tried our best to make the most of the remaining days together until she would leave.

It was perfect. We spent our free time in each other's arms as much as we could considering before she left she was extremely sick and down for first 3 days with the flu and a bad sinus infection.

"Nothing a little cuddling, antibiotics and bedrest couldn't cure," she whispered as I held her warm body close.

For the three days although difficult because her sister took care of her during the day, late at night I would be with her.

It wasn't until that 5th day that a little light had shined on our situation and Josh found important information about Kira and my legal dilemma.

He came over to hang out with us for the day until it was time for Kira to leave. We had ordered take out and during the meal he pulled out a sheet of paper from his back pocket.

He smiled and pointed to the paper indicating that this paper could be 1/2 of the solution to ending my hassle with Bianca's threat.

"Obviously we haven't been doing our homework buddy," he said.

"Here it says,' In New York State, a person who is under the age of 16 but is older than 13 years old, can consent to sex with a person who is no more than 4 years older; the crime of the 3rd degree rape only applies is if a person over the age of 21 has sex with a person who is under 17 years of age or younger." he read out loud.

Kira leaned forward and picked up the paper and read it. She was ecstatic with joy as she crushed herself to me and kissed me passionately.

I will never forget that smile even when it didn't falter as I reminded her about our parents still not approving.

"Its doesn't matter, we still have 4 more months we can find a way around that." she giddily smiled and hugged me.

Then the two days left was when Bianca finally resurfaced like a serpent in hiding and I confronted her. My little news with my findings did not sit well with her. I warned her to leave us alone. I threatened her with a restraining order and not a care in the world if she sent the pics to the tabloids. It would be a tiny snafu money would most definitely be able to cover up if it came to that and I was prepared for it.

So the night before Kira left was pure bliss. We made love and stayed up most of the night talking about our future and what we wanted to do. Mostly what we intended to do as a couple once she turns 18.

"Well, I intend to marry you Ms. Winthrop," I squeezed her close.

"And if I refuse," she held back that knowing smile.

"Hog tied in one of Vera Wang's most expensive bridal gowns would be the new trend of getting married here NYC because that's how you will arrive at the altar if you refused." I chuckled as she tossed her head back and laughed.

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