Chapter 11

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Our morning was an interesting one. As I stare at the laptop monitor and see the big NO on the screen about no parent consent under age of 17 and marriage. Nervously I watch intently the man that I love zip around like a wasp adamant that today is the day that we are eloping.

No matter what the screen says...

I know nothing that entails this endeavor except that we take off in secret and get married. I was nervous.

I watched as he walked around the room in just a towel and threw random things into one luggage. I bit my lip and watched as he tossed our clothes in it while gingerly mumbling: socks, underwear for me, none for her, toothbrush, and hair brush....

"Max!" I gasp shaking my head.

Gorgeous eyes filled with mischief winked at me as I saw just one panty being tossed in the luggage.

"Hey at least I put one in here," He said in his defense.

I shook my head with a laugh as he tossed me a kiss before continuing to pack.

The sudden thought of this really happening jolted me. If he had any say in the matter, by tonight I would be marrying Maximilian Chase.... but then a sudden feeling came over me. I have, like all young girls at some point in their lives have dreamt of getting married to the man of their dreams, their Prince Charming, their Knight in Shining Armor.

I have all of that before me. but I also know some have that desire to have a large wedding surrounded by loved ones and friends. To be able to witness the happiest day of our lives.

I wasn't getting that.

Believe me, I want this more than anything. but not like this.

The two people that have raised me regardless of all that has happened, I hold a great love for them both. They won't be there. There is nothing more in this world I wouldn't give for them to accept my and Max's relationship.

I suddenly felt a sense of sadness. And as I look up he then starts zipping up the luggage. I try as much as I can to push this feeling away but I can't. My heart tightens in my chest. We can't elope just yet. It didn't feel right and it didn't feel wrong either.

He pulled the luggage off the bed. Then suddenly stood straight to look at me. It was then that his gaze softened then frowned with concerned. He dipped his knee into the bed and came closer to me. We sat close, but said nothing for a while.

I lowered my head, unable to meet his gaze. It's when he tilted my chin up and my eyes met his, he spoke.

"No need to hide your eyes, I can tell something is wrong."

I tried in vain to explain what was bothering me.

"Talk to me baby," he insisted.

I looked at him then. My gaze settled on his as I raised my fingers and intertwined them with his.

Nervously I began.

"For the longest time I've dreamt of marrying My Prince Charming, my Knight in Shining Armor, The Man of my Dreams. I found that with you." I lifted my gaze to his and met his gorgeous smile.

"I've always imagined it would be huge, a wedding fit for a Princess, surrounded by everyone I loved and the typical church wedding blessed by a priest." I began to fidget with his fingers as he sat and listened to me.

"I won't have any of that Max. Besides, without a parent's consent, we can't. And I'm not 18 yet." I whispered.

He nodded and gave me a half smile.

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