Chapter 24

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I followed her out hot on her heels as she walked towards the elevator.

"Kira stop!" I called out but she refused to.

I picked up the pace until I finally caught her around the waist and turned her to face me.

"Don't run damn it, stop....running!" I held her tight as she struggled to pull away but I wasn't having it.

"What is fucking wrong?" I held her so tight I swear any tighter and I feared I would crack her ribs.

"Let me go!" she pushed at me. I let her go and stepped back giving us distance.

Furiously we faced each other.

"Why?" she looked at me.

I exhaled roughly "Why what?"

"Why would you want to marry me if you can't trust me? If you're still upset with me for not telling you about Miliana?" The lingering distress in her voice tugged at my heart.

"Don't trust you, Kira? I trust you with my life. I just don't trust him with you is another story," I bit out.

My heart lunged hard in my chest as she frowned at my words. God she looks so beautiful when her eyes take on this dark shade when she gets upset.

"You don't trust that I can turn him down. As if I'm weak and I can't defend myself," she shook her head and her lips thinned.

My brow rose up. "Seriously?"

"Is that what you gathered from all of this?" I stepped closer.

The anger in her gaze was impressive and it tickled me that she held back the retort that was aching to spill from her lips.

"Yes. That's what I gathered from all of this." she snapped.

That sudden flare of temper in her tone is what excited me.

"Then you got it all wrong beautiful," I shook my head.

"What do I have wrong Max? That your whole 'Me Jane, you Tarzan' complex isn't a problem here?" I stared at her.

I was taken back a bit by her words. Is that how she saw me?

"No. You have it all wrong because you fail to remember we had a "Bianca problem" in the past and I refuse to go through it again with a male version of her."

She frowned.

"First of all he is nothing like her. And second you know nothing about him to say something like that."

My agitation grew at the fact that she was defending him. We were circling now my jealousness.

"First of all yes, he is everything like her just like any other red blooded soul out there that falls in love and has a propensity to protect it, fight for it or die for it. You need to grasp that concept Kira, and very fast." I looked down at her.

The jut of her jaw as I stepped closer was a challenge I ached to take on.

"You fail to realize that you are a very beautiful woman and you draw a natural attraction to men Kira. Men like me, like Antonio and like Luke." Her gaze widened as I continued.

"Some can control themselves, others... like Bianca and Luke don't take rejection lightly and become monsters." I swallowed at the lump that formed in my throat watching her eyes sadden.

"He...would never hurt me like that." she whispered.

My shoulders felt tense with the way she answered back. How can I possibly be unaffected by that?

The faint ding of the elevator behind me pulled me away from staring at her. I blinked and quickly raised my wrist to stare at my watch. It was almost 9pm.

I blew out a deep breath. "It's best if we leave."

She looked down and nodded her head.

She turned away and slowly began to lead the way. Stepping out into the night clearing the revolving doors, I watched Wilson open the door for her. With a nod, he stepped away somberly walking around to his side of the car.

I turned her around to face me. I could still feel the diamond of the ring she placed in my hand digging into my palm.

I reached for her hand and stretched them out gently. I paused from looking at them then at her. I held the ring up so she can see it.

"I placed this on your finger as a symbol of my commitment to you. My love for you. Don't ever take it off again." my gaze held hers as I slid it on her finger again. I pulled her close and dove my fingers through her hair, holding her in a possessive grip and lowered my lips to hers.

After what went down tonight, I feared I was losing her. But, when she leaned into me as I kissed her I felt relieved.

I pulled away to look down into her eyes. The faint light from the building and street lights gave me a glimpse of her saddened gaze.

"I don't want to fight any more Beautiful, can we call it a truce for tonight. We will talk this over later." Emotionally, I was exhausted and I knew she was too.

She nodded her head and turned to enter the car. I leaned in and looked at her. With a confused look she lifted her face to look at me and waited for me to enter. But I didn't. I couldn't. I needed some time to think things over.

"Take her home Wilson."

"Yes, sir."

"Max?" she said my name.

I held her at bay as she began to slide over to get out of the car.

"No, I'm ok. You go home and get some rest. I will be home soon." I caressed her cheek and kissed her.

"I love you," I whispered to her.

My jaw clenched as she glided her fingers over my skin and caressed it. I turned in to its warmth and closed my eyes. If she only knew what she does to me when she touches me or looks at me, then she would understand the fear I have when another man looks at her. I see it in their eyes and it bothers me. How they covet her. Salivate for her.

"I love you too," her breath brushed my lips as I kissed her again and slowly stepped away.

She settled back against the seat as I shut the door and tapped the roof indicating for them to leave.

I stepped back and watched them glide slowly into traffic before turning away and taking a walk to the nearest pub.

It was here in this crowded, noisy pub after three swigs of a strong gin and tonic that I realized I was going about this wrong. What did I have to really fear? If he never had a chance in 3 years with her, what am I griping about now?

It's true what the Dr. said.

My jealous, possessive ways will only push her away.


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