Chapter 12

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I was living in a nightmare.

My world as I knew it slowly began to burn into nothing as I saw Kira pull away. I watched helplessly as her eyes reddened in disbelief of Bianca's words.

Why was this happening?...

What the hell did I do to deserve this?

I reached for Kira. And as if I were literally watching from the sidelines not able to hold her to me she slipped through my fingers.

I tried to stop her as chaos broke out in the lobby with Derek furious with me for supposedly getting Bianca pregnant.

As if I were watching a replay of her leaving the first time. Frozen in place, I watched the love of my life angrily press the buttons to close the door as she cried trying to get away. I had no chance to stop her as Derek held me in place and forced me to face him.

"You son of a bitch you are gonna marry my daughter. You're not leaving her unwed and pregnant to be the laughing stock of the news." he shook my violently.

Angrily I grabbed him by the shirt and nearly lifted him off the floor that he turned sheet white.

"Don't you dare threaten me. She chose this. She has done nothing but made my life a living hell." I spoke low clenching my jaw.

I shoved him away and went to the elevator.

Anxiously, I stepped in as my father called for me to stop. I needed to find Kira everything happened so fast. I pulled out my phone as I stepped off the elevator and called her. But I got no answer. I called again, still no answer.

I called Wilson and asked if he saw her leave and he didn't.

I stepped out of the lobby's main doors into the busy streets and looked both ways, not knowing where to search for her.

I searched for her and called Michelle to see if she could find her. Buy now with the media knowing what happened, I was pretty sure she knew about us as well.

"Please Michelle if you get a hold of her let me know. I'm begging you." I pleaded with her over the phone my heart and mind in utter chaos.

I couldn't stay still. I walked off in search for her praying that I could find her.

About 15 minutes into walking Wilson offered to help. It would be quicker on wheels. She could not have gotten that far.

Or so we thought. We searched for hours and we couldn't find her and no one knew where she was.

I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Baby please call me, I'm worried.... where are you?

Before I knew it the weather darkened as the whole city was enveloped in a dark cloud. Freezing rain and sleet followed. I ran to the first place in sight. A pub that shortly filled up with those running from the weather.

I sat on a bar stool and texted Josh.

I'm on my way. He replied.

I sat worried and impatient.

Where the hell can she be?



Please someone. Whoever, Slap me and wake me up from this bad dream.

She is pregnant.

Her words are on replay in my head. I feel right now as if my heart has literally been stomped on. I know I shouldn't have walked away. I should have stood by his side and fought for what's mine, but... I'm shocked... What do you say to something like this?

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