Chapter 22

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I think I was more shocked than anything when I heard Antonio's voice. I barely felt Miliana slip out of my arms and run to him.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach when he came close. Then I was caught by surprise by his front of Max. I didn't know where to hide my face after I looked at him.

The fury in his gaze was quickly masked only due to the presence of Miliana. I knew he was holding back the urge to say or do something. I could see it in his eyes and how his jaw clenched and his lips thinned.

My knees felt so weak as I watched everything unfold before me.

I watched sadly as Miliana happily spoke to Antonio so innocent and unaware of this awkward situation.

He slowly looked up to me and held my gaze with admiration and kindness and I felt so guilty. I never told him about Max. In all honesty, I haven't spoken to him since I returned.

He lowered Miliana and she walked over to Max and he possessively lifted her into his arms. I lowered my gaze as he looked at me and I turned to Antonio.

"How did you find us?" I watched him smile and look at Miliana.

"The few times I spoke to Christie and Miliana, she mentioned her Ballet school. I missed you both. So I decided to surprise you and visit." he said happily.

His words were followed by an awkward silence as I slowly looked up to Max and saw him still staring down at me.

"Max this is my friend Antonio," My voice shook as I tried to smile.

Nervously I looked away and turned to face Antonio. He looked from me then to Max.

"What is wrong Kira?" he asked.

"Antonio I want you to meet my fiancé Max. Miliana's father." I looked at Max as he looked over and met Antonio's shocked gaze.

"Fiancé?" he frowned.

I began to feel this sinking sensation in my stomach.

"Yes, we are getting married in a month," I added.

Another awkward silence followed.

"Married?" he repeated seeming a bit flustered.

He slowly lifted his eyes to mine.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked with a sad expression.

I lowered my head. I felt immensely overwhelmed. This was not supposed to happen.

He waited. Expecting me to give him an explanation of why I never told him about Max.

Before I could say anything Christie showed up in time to join the awkward silence and Antonio's expectant gaze. Miliana excited with her arrival slid from Max's hold and jumped into her arms.

He slowly made it towards me and that only escalated the tension between us three as he sized up Max from a distance. I could tell he was no fan of Max's considering he knew only the fact that he had married another woman and I was alone and pregnant thousands of miles away from home.

"So that is it? You chose to marry him just like that?" he asked pointing at Max indignantly.

"He is the father of my child," I frowned.

"He was not there for you. I was." his voice rose angrily.

Immediately, Max pulled me aside and stood before him. "Watch your tone with her," Max whispered furiously to him. I shook at the scene as they glared at one another.

A Night to remember : Book 2Where stories live. Discover now