Chapter 27

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I fucked up....

And no one knew of what I did last night. She casually played it off with our parents but behind closed doors she wasn't speaking to me. Late that night she refused to sleep in our bed.

I can't blame her.

Now as I sit back and frantically go over in my head ways to apologize and figure out how to fix this, I seriously fear we aren't going to make it to the altar.

I cannot let that happen.

All day Saturday I felt alienated and ignored. My only companion was Miliana as we sat and watched cartoons as she stayed in our bedroom with the pretext to Miliana that mommy had to work.

Sunday, again I got the silent treatment as we headed out to spend the day with family. Around everyone we portrayed the loving couple. I honestly didn't know where we were going with this ruse. She refused to talk to me so I gave her space.

The countdown began by Monday morning when I looked at the calendar and noticed I had exactly 12 days to fix all of this. I panicked.

So I got to working and I sent her flowers of every kind I can think of.

My note on each one ranged from: I am sorry., Please forgive me., Please don't shut me out., I love you., and my last one... I know I was wrong beautiful, I apologize for everything give me one more chance. Speak to me.

I heard nothing back on her end. No memo, no email, no phone call.

She was avoiding me.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair staring upwards in silent prayer for some type of guidance.

At that moment the knock on the door pulled me out of my musings. I sat up.

I watched the door open and saw Josh poke his head in. I bid him to enter. Sheepishly he lowered his head, and entered slowly followed by none other than Antonio.

Immediately I stood up. I was ready to round the table and finish where we left off Friday and then toss him out on his ass but Josh stopped me.

"Easy there boy," he pressed his hands to my chest and gave me a warning glare.

I swallowed hard against the knot in my throat as he flexed his shoulders ready to confront me if need be.

"Why the hell is he here?" I looked at Josh.

"He is here because I brought him," Josh pointed out.

"Why?" My jaw clenched as I stepped back out of his way.

"The both of you need to hash this out Max. Put your differences behind you and move on," he said staring at both of us.

"We hashed out what we needed to on Friday and I was very clear on my end," I bit out taking into view triumphantly the shiner he wore.

"No Max that's where you're wrong. Because of your way of handling this it upset the balance between you and Kira." Josh argued.

I stared at him.

"What you did was wrong man," he added in a disappointing tone.

I lowered my head and looked away. He knew because I confided in him about it. He was upset that I would go so far and act in such a way. Nothing justifies what I did to Kira.

"Max," Antonio spoke then paused as I looked up to him.

"I am not here to start any problems. I just want to clear the air." he said.

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