Chapter 9

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I feel like I stepped into a fucking nightmare!!!

I glared at the nurse staring at me with fright as she tried to explain to me their inept way of taking care of a 17 yr. old patient that in the middle of the night just up and left....

"What do you mean she is gone?" I gritted my teeth.

"We looked everywhere, but she isn't here." she explained nervously.

I raked my fingers through my hair trying to understand what in the world happened.

I listened to the nurses evening account from Kira's last visitor my father to her disappearing sometime after midnight.

"She couldn't have gotten that far the meds take a while to leave the system."

Fucking great she is out of it walking the streets to God knows where.

I couldn't sit still and stand here because she wasn't going to return to this place that was for certain.

But, where could she have gone?

Why the hell did my father come here?

I pulled out my phone and called my father while I walked out towards the entrance.

His voice filled with sorrow warily answered.

"What the hell did you tell Kira dad she is gone, she left the hospital," I said.

He was silent on the other end.

"Son we need to talk, " he finally spoke.

"I can't do this right now I need to find her. I will talk to you later" I hung up.

I called Wilson to meet me out front while I began to dial the long list of people we knew to see if they have seen her.

The first place I decided to look for her was at her parent's home. Whether they wanted to see me or not I was going.


Minutes later I found myself before her father in her home. I was prepared for anything as we stood looking at each other.

He reported her missing to the authorities and was instructed to stay here in case she called or showed up.

I watched him pace.

"None of this would have happened if your father hadn't visited her." He whirled around and stared at me with an accusing glare.

I shook my head. "No....None of this would have happened if you had just left us alone." I argued.

That's statement upset him. He turned away from me and gave me his back.

"I don't understand why you and my father have your issue but why should it affect us. Kira and I have nothing to do with any of your problems."

"You see, that's where you're wrong. You and Kira have everything to do with it." He shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" I frowned.

He went silent and turned away from me.

"No, don't stop talking now. Tell me what you mean," I stepped closer.

He shook his head.

"There are things that involve you I'm not at liberty to speak of but it will affect Kira just as much." He turned to look at me.

Then suddenly his eyes fell on something behind me.

I turned to see my father and mother staring at us.

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