Chapter Four:

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I turned back to Josh.

“You were worried about me?  That guy was HUGE!  Did you not see his tattoos?”  Josh exclaimed, sounding a little hurt and surprised that I would be worried about him.

“To be honest, I was worried about both of you; I mean who grabs someone when they are alone?”  I asked in a confrontational tone.

“Good point, and I’m sorry again.”  He smiled and tried to give me these sad puppy dog eyes. 

“Yeah, you might have amazing eyes, but the sad puppy dog look does nothing for me, sorry.”  I said smiling. 

“Alright fine” he pouted.  “I know I am a huge ass, but I really do need to borrow a phone.”  I looked at him as if trying to see if he was lying and what he was up to, clearly I still did not entirely trust this man.  He saw my eyes questioning him and promised, “It is a quick call, and even a text would be helpful.  You can even dial the number or type the text.” 

“Fine” I said, as I dug through my purse and pulled out my personal cell phone. 

“Let me get this straight, you have 3 phones? What are you a dealer?” he laughed. 

“No, I just don’t like to put music on my phone since my phone battery will drain faster, so I use my old phone to listen to music, my phone, for well, calls, and the one that Mr. Smith used was my work phone.” 

He looked at me as if I was crazy.  For whatever reason I felt the need to justify myself “look, my phone battery is finicky, I can charge it all night, and sometimes, it does not hold the charge, so this way, I can still listen to music, and be sure that by the time I head home at the end of the day, my phone battery will last in case I need it.” 

He laughed, “Makes sense, seeing how my phone is dead.  I guess I can’t think you are that nuts.”  I handed him my personal cell and unlocked it for him. 

I had a seat outside the front doors of the office.  I could hear Josh talking to someone....

“Yeah I know I’m late for the check, but you will never guess what happened…  I will tell you when I get back, long story short, my phone died, I am using a friends, and will be back asap… okay bye.”

Josh gave me my phone back and thanked me.  As he was handing it back to me, he asked, ”why did you give me a questioning look and kind of a hard time to use your phone, but readily gave it to that guy,” referring to Mr. Smith, “who looked like he could snap you and me in half at the same time?  That guy was fucking HUGE!” 

I simply laughed and said, “I kind of know him, I don’t know you.” 

He looked surprised at me and said, “You seriously don’t know who I am?” 

“Should I?  Have we met before?  It is entirely likely, I meet a lot of people and don’t always remember them.” 

“I saw your music; you were listening to Marianas Trench?”

“Yeah, so?”

“You’re kidding me; I don’t look at all familiar?”  He laughed, almost getting a little irritated. 

“Well ya, you look like the lead singer, but it is an ok impersonation,” I said without enthusiasm. 

“What the hell do you mean impersonation”, he said laughing, but sounding more annoyed and frustrated. 

I said, “Let’s be realistic here, you are in the middle of nowhere, at a restaurant that is alright, but a Hells Angels hangout, why in the world would Josh Ramsay be here?” 

Learning to Live Again (A Josh Ramsay Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now