Chapter Thirty-One:

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“Oh, my baby.  Jordan, what happened, why didn’t you call!”  My mother’s horrified voice was muffled with tears as she and my father stood over the bed in the hospital, they were looking at me as if I was dead.  “If it wasn’t for your friend Josh, we would not even now you were here.  What were you thinking Jordan, we’re your parents!” 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to worry you, but you are here now, and I’m fine.  Please don’t cry mom, I’m fine.  I’m sure it looks worse than it is and it will heal.”  I tried to give her a reassuring smile and took her hand.  “How long have you been here?” 

“Just since last night, late.  Josh called us after you got to the hospital and met us here.  He has been worried sick.  That is quite a friend you have there.”  My father said.

“Where is he?  Is he okay?”

“He’s fine, he went to the cafeteria to get some food.  But he has been here all night, told the nurses that he was your fiancée in order to be in here with you.  Is there something that you should tell us dear?”  My mom asked.

I didn’t know how to explain the situation with Josh to my parents, I didn’t want to admit to them or even myself that he was just a friend.  He had become so much more than that, but admitting anything would just be harder to get over when it all ended.  Safer to keep those feelings locked away.  Just then there was a knock at the door, saved by the bell sort of speak.

“Hey, anyone want coffee?”  Josh came into the room, smiling his charming smile and handed everyone a cup.

“Josh” I said breathlessly, God he was a sight for sore eyes.  He looked amazing standing there.  He was wearing black jeans and a black dress top rolled up his arms, which was stretched tight showing off his strong arms, and broad chest.

My mom caught onto something and said to my father, “Come on, let’s let these too talk for a couple minutes.”  My dad squeezed my hand and my mom kissed the top of my head before the left the room.  “We will be back shortly dear, we love you.”  And with that, Josh and I were alone.

“You look like shit,” he said as he smirked,

“Yeah well….screw you!” 

“OOH, good come back!”

“Yeah, well you should see the other guy!”  We both laughed as he came closer and sat in the chair next to the bed taking my hand.

“I was so worried about you Josh, I thought you were dead, what happened?”

“Nothing to worry about.”  He tried to give a smile, but there was no spark in his eyes, he was hiding something.

“Please tell me, something did happen.  Are you alright?”

“Jordan I’m fine.  I am more embarrassed about it than anything.”

I put my free hand under his chin and forced him to look me in the eyes.  I could see worry and hurt, anger, frustration and pain.  I leaned in and pecked his lips.

“He told me you were dead, Josh, he said he killed you quick.  I was never more scared, I thought I lost you and it was my fault.”

“None of this is your fault.  After I put the propane tanks in the back yard, the doorbell rang, it was Eric.  He said he just wanted to make sure you were ok since he saw the same car out front that we saw and was worried.  He also said that there were groceries laying on the driveway.  I knew something was wrong so I immediately went to grab the phone to call the police, and when my back was turned, he hit me in the back of my head with something.  I only came too when the group showed up to the house like 15 minutes later, and called the cops.”

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