Chapter Thirty:

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When he was done getting my prints on the gun, he stood back up and walked away from me.  The room was still spinning, all I could think about was Josh and how this was all my fault.  This was it, end game.  I was going to die, and worst of all I got someone I loved killed.  A surge of rage ran through me, but it wasn’t to save myself, it was to kill the bastard that took Josh away.  Ironic how it must be the same rage that Eric had felt with his wife died, but those circumstances were different.  It resulted from a horrible accident, Josh was murdered by a psychopathic cop.  All I saw was red as I stood up, and grabbed a pipe that was sitting against the wall closest to me.  Eric was still working on something at the other end of the room with his back to me.  He was probably thinking I was still in too much shock to even move, so paid no attention to me at that moment.  I snuck up on him just before I took a swing at his head, he turned around and tried to duck, but I felt the connection of the pipe on skull.

“Shit!” he said as he stumbled to the floor, “Is that all you got?” He laughed, “Well let’s do this then!”  His eyes glowed as he leaped towards me and tackled me to the floor.  I kept trying to swing the pipe at him again, but he was so much stronger than me and was able to take it out of my hands.  I wrestled my way out from under him and he just kept coming.  I fought the best I could until I was once again on the ground and he was kicking me in the stomach and the head, but as he kicked, the gun fell lose from the back of his pants and landed within my reach.  He noticed it too late as I reached between his legs, grabbed the gun and pointed it at him.

“This is over,” I said as I spit out blood.

“Oh you think so, eh?” He said it with such confidence, that I thought if I didn’t use this gun now, he would get it back and that would be the end.  I took off the safety and saw panic in his eyes as I pulled the trigger.  But he moved away just in time.  I slowly stood up as he started to come at me again, I pulled the trigger, the bullet whizzed by his head as he ducked.  By then I heard it…. Sirens.  Eric heard them too and stopped dead in his tracks.

As I was pointing the gun at Eric, I could hear sirens out front.  The police, they found me, but they are not going to believe me over him.  He’s a cop!  They are not going to arrest him, he is going to get away with all of this.  He needs to die, I need to kill him, he killed Josh, he killed Mr. Smith, and he was going to kill me.  He does not deserve to live.  Before I knew it the police were barging down the front door of the building and were slowly pouring into the little room Eric and I were in.

“This is the police, Jordan, put down the gun.”

“She’s crazy, she shot Smith and when I tried to save her, so turned the gun on me!”  Eric yelled.

“You fucking liar,” I hissed as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks.  Narrowing my eyes and never taking them off Eric, I yelled, “He did this all!”  “Him and Smith!  They kidnapped me, they killed Josh, and he tried to kill me!  He can’t get away with this!”  I held aim at Eric’s head.

“No Jordan,” the police said very calmly, “Josh isn’t dead, he is here with us, outside.  Please put down the gun.”

“NO!  You’re lying, Eric killed him when he was trying to save me!”  My hands began to shake, I was losing my aim.

“No he didn’t, he was knocked unconscious, but he is alive.  Please put down the gun, I don’t want to shoot you.”

“He did this!”  I screamed, never looking away from Eric.

“We know, Jordan.  Please put down the gun and we can take you to see Josh.”  My eyes widened, they know!  I didn’t believe anybody right now, the police were trained to lie to get everyone out of the situation without using force, but I did know that if I didn’t do as the police said, they would shoot me.  So I slowly lowered to gun.  Eric just smiled, and in the blink of an eye, he leaped towards me, a shot rang out, and Eric screamed.  The police shot him in the shoulder.

I just slumped to the floor as the police all came rushing into the room.  They took the gun from my hand, cuffed Eric and hulled him outside.  After he was locked in the police car, they took me outside to the awaiting ambulance, and there was Josh, alive and running towards me.   

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