Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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I don’t know how long I was in the trunk, but now I was tied to a radiator in a cold room.  I could hear Mr. Smith pacing in the other room, muttering to someone, or to himself, I couldn’t really tell or make out any words.  I felt something sliding down my face, I didn’t know if it was sweat, or tears, but when the moisture worked its way to my mouth, I knew what it was.  Blood.  I remember being hit with a stun gun, and vaguely remember being pulled from the trunk.  I think I tried to run, but I was attacked from behind, and I remember Mr. Smith’s image as he hit me numerous times in the face and kicked me in the stomach, trying to get me to submit to his strength, but I just kept fighting until all I could see was black.  He must have knocked me out, and now with the blindfold covering my eyes, all I knew was I was injured, being held somewhere by Mr. Smith, and would probably never see Josh or anyone ever again.  With that final thought, I slipped back into unconsciousness. 

“I got her boss, she’s in the other room, secured to the radiator.  She’s alive but unconscious, I had to knock her out; she was making too much noise.” 

SLAP, “Hey, hey, Jordan…wake up” another slap to my face.  “Jordan, it’s me, I’m here, wake up.” SLAP.

I slowly opened my eyes, and felt another sting to my face, but the blindfold prevented me from seeing the man slapping me.  “Whose there?  Who are you?  Why are you doing this to me?” I cried.

He slowly pulled off the blindfold, and once my eyes adjusted to the light, I immediately recognized the man.  Officer Eric Shaw.

“You???  What are you doing here?”  He just smiled, and turned back to Smith who was standing in the doorway.

“Good job Smith.”  Eric said walking towards him.

“Do you have the fake passports?”  Smith asked, coming further into the room.

“What makes you think you are leaving here…. Alive at least”

“What the FUCK man, we had a deal, I helped you, I didn’t touch her, I need to get out of here, I can’t go back and do life,” Knowing this would be the end for him if he didn’t leave now, Mr. Smith turned to run out the door, but he was too far, and Eric too quick.  He pulled out his gun and shot Mr. Smith in the back.  He was killed instantly.  “You don’t have to worry about that, Mr. Smith, but thank you for making me a hero.”

I jumped and started to shake.  I felt nauseous, I could not believe what I just saw!  Officer Eric Shaw, working with Mr. Smith?  My mind was racing, how had I not seen this before?  This is why he wanted me to call only him, so the police would not get involved and he could get what he wanted.  But what does he want, and why did he need Smith?  If he was after me the whole time, he surly could have done so on his own at any point, why now?  As I watched Eric lean over the body of Mr. Smith, he appeared to be placing a gun in Smith’s hands.  Of course, he is making this look like Smith did all of this.  I needed to think fast, but I was still dizzy, I needed to stay conscious.  I suddenly remembered, my phone, it may still be in my back pocket!  My legs were tied to the radiator, but my hands were tied behind me.  I would have to be quick, and quiet.  I wiggled the phone out of my back pocket, but couldn’t see the numbers.  I had to get it to my side so I could dial, so I slowly slid it between the wall and myself.  Success!  I was starting to shake at the adrenaline, so much so that I couldn’t hit the emergency call button, hitting everything but.  Eric was finishing with Smith, it looked like his plan was to get Smith’s fingerprints on the gun, and he was starting to get up and turn around.  I willed myself to be faster, to calm my hands, I just have to call the police, hurry Jordan!  Before he sees, you will survive, you have too!  You can’t give up, you need to live!  One more try, success, now 911, turn the phone over so you can’t see it glowing and push the phone behind the radiator so Eric can’t see it.

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