Chapter Twenty-Four:

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When Josh slowly pulled away, I instantly missed his touch.  His lips were intoxicating, his touch made me feel safe, protected and wanted.  I felt like I did when I was first kissed by a boy, giddy, shy, and like there was nothing wrong in the world.  How could one kiss make me so happy?  I vaguely heard someone speak, but I was not focused, my eyes were closed and I could feel my body still floating from that kiss.


“Hmm…” I sighed.

“Well, I’m glad I could have that effect on you.”  He laughed.

I slowly opened my eyes saying “Don’t get your hopes up Ramsay, I am just exhausted, perhaps your kissing was putting me to sleep.”  And for effect, I made myself yawn.

“Way to kick a guy, I guess I will have to work harder then.  I do love a challenge.”

I simply smiled as he brushed a piece of hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. 

“Now that we have that settled, and you aren’t kicking me out, it looks like you were making something, what can I do to help?”

“Cupcakes, and you can help me frost them if you would like.”


We spent the next 30 minutes frosting the cupcakes and just talking.  I could not believe the amount of anxiety and paranoia that had begun to fade, I could actually feel my body relax.  Afterwards, we simply sat on the couch and watched some television.  Josh held me in his arms, and we both fell asleep.  Sometime later, a cell phone rang and woke me up, but Josh was no longer beside me.  It rang again, and I could hear Josh answer it from another room,

“Hey…yeah… no it’s all good, everything’s fine… she’s great, I really like her… I don’t know I just feel something when I am with her…. I’m happy…..that’s cool, I think I’m going stay here with Jordan, I’ll ask her, but with everything that has happened, I want to keep her safe, I don’t want to lose her….alright, I will…talk to you soon…bye.”

I did not move off the couch, and since I did not want him to know that I was listening, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.  When he came back into the living room, he gently sat back down on the couch and brushed his hands through my hair.  That gently touched warmed my heart, and I could not help but smile as I opened my eyes.  “How much of that did you hear?”  “What are you talking about?” I said in a sleepy voice.  “Bull shit, I see you smiling, that’s not an ‘I just woke up and am happy to see you smile’.  That’s the ‘I heard what you said but I’m trying to hide it smile’.  I haven’t known you that long, but your face cannot fool me.  You’re busted!”

“Alright fine, I heard,” I said as I sat up, “but in my defence you talk loud and you could have left the floor if you wanted more privacy!”  He took my hand in his, and as if he was suddenly shy, said, “Maybe I wanted you to hear.  Maybe I don’t want to play games and want to be honest with you and let you know exactly how I feel.” 

“Maybe I like that idea and want to be honest with you too.  I have never really been one to play games, and never really saw the point.  Life is too short.  If it wasn’t for my horrible morning breath, I would jump you right now and show you how I feel about you.”  I said while brushing a piece of his hair out of his eyes.  

This seemed to take him by surprise, as his eyes began to glow with a heat I had seen the night before outside the arena.  There was such an intensity in his gaze, such passion, as his eyes narrowed and he looked at my lips.  Suddenly, feeling self-conscious I could feel my lips and mouth drying at his intense gaze.  I licked my lips, desperate for hydration.  I went to get off the couch, and his strong arms pulled me back down into his chest and he said, “Fuck morning breath!” and with that he pulled me on top of him kissing me with the passion I have come to expect from Josh.  His hands travelled up and down my back as he deepened the kiss and a low moan escaped his throat.  I didn’t want to stop him, as he rolled me over and was now on top of me.  I could feel his arousal as I kissed him back.  I linked my fingers behind his back and rubbed my foot up and down his leg.  He moved his hands painfully slowly up my stomach and stopped them just under my breasts.  I whimpered, wanting him to go further.  But he started to slow the kiss down.  He lifted his mouth an inch away from mine and in a low, husky whisper, he spoke. 


“Hmm,” was all that I could muster, all my intelligence was gone with that kiss and his touch.

“Open your eyes.”  I did, and looked into his eyes.  They had darkened in colour to a very deep blue, full of promise and intense passion, and if I was not mistaken, there was concern in those blue eyes.

“I know this is fast, I am willing to go as slow as you need, I don’t want to mess this up.  I won’t rush you.”

I looked deep into his eyes and said, “It is fast, but you have done nothing that I have objected too, I want this, I want you, please don’t make me beg.  Touch me.”

With that, he smiled, and his mouth once again attacked mine as our tongues battled for dominance.  Within minutes, our clothing was on the floor, and we spent the next couple hours showing each other how we felt.









 Somewhere outside….



“Did you get her?”

“No man, there is someone else there now.”

“What the hell do you mean there is someone else there?”

“I don’t know who he is, but he’s been in there for a couple hours.  I can’t get to her if she’s not alone.”

“SHIT!  Her routine has been the same for the last 4 months, no one has visited this bitch in months, and now because of your screw up, she’s not alone.  How the hell could you mess this up!  Why the hell did you not kill her when you had the chance!  That’s all you had to do and we would have been done, but you had to go back to your God damn MO didn’t you, had to torture the bitch?”

“I messed up, relax, I will get this done, no more screw ups, I promise.”

“Like I can trust your promise!  You’ve got one more chance, or the deal is off!  You kill her, I get you out of Canada.  But the plan has changed.”


“You heard me!  Hurry up and let me know when you have her secured, I want to see her face before she dies.” 

“It isn’t over, I will get this done, I just need a little bit more time; she will be alone again at some point.   Be patient Boss, it’ll get done.”

“Don’t call me that!”

“Sorry, just relax alright, I got this.  The police that were watching the house are gone now, so as long as they don’t come back, it should not be a problem, I have a plan to get her, got the uniform and the car that could look like an undercover police car.” 

And with that Mr. Smith hung up his phone and kept watching Jordan’s home from his hidden location.

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