Chapter Twenty-Eight:

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Jordan’s POV:

When Josh got off the phone with his friends, they were thrilled to have some home cooked food and agreed to pick up some beer and wine on their way over.  With a shopping list in hand, Josh and I got into my car and headed off to the grocery store in awkward silence.  We didn’t speak any more about the issue at breakfast, and I was glad.  I know he was hurt, every time I stole glimpses of him in the car, and at the store, I could see it in his eyes, and it broke my heart, but I know he saw the fear in mine.  I couldn’t tell him that I was starting to fall for him and it was killing me.  This is a short fling, he was in the right place at the wrong time.  God, my life is such a mess, they still have not caught Smith, and I am not sure they ever will, especially if Eric is right and he left for the States.  I just want to have some fun with Josh before he leaves and my life goes back to the shit it was before I met him.  He does not deserve to have to have this worry that is me.  He is going to have a great career and a great life.  It hurts me so much to think that he is going to find a woman who is beautiful, confident, talented, and one that is not me.  But, if we can spend the rest of the week having fun, more sex and just enjoying each other’s company, then I don’t think either of us will have any regrets.

With groceries in hand, we head back to the house.  The awkward silence is still in the car, but Josh turns on the radio and starts to sing along to Imagine Dragons ‘Demons’.  I know he is trying to lighten the mood and it is working.  I simply smile at him, he smiles back, takes my hand in his turns it over and kisses the palm. 

“You know, with the guys coming over, we will not be alone for the next little while,” he says as he draws circles on my hand.

“Your right, hold on.”

I take us down a secluded road, and we make up from our little argument this morning, twice.










“Hey, it’s Smith.”

“Do you have her?”

“Not yet, but…”

“Don’t call me until you have her, and make it quick, I am losing patience!”

“They left the house, I have a plan, and you will have her today.”

“Good see to it.”








Once we got back to the house, things were better between us again.  No more awkward silence, Josh was holding my hand and making me laugh.  We started to bring in the groceries when Josh noticed a car sitting out front.  “That’s strange isn’t it?” He asked nodding to the vehicle.

“It must be the police, Eric told me after everything happened that there would be a patrol car driving by every now and then just to check on things.”

“Yeah, but won’t it have markings on it, you know look like a police car?”

“I guess, but sometimes they have those unmarked cars, I could call Eric about it?  But you can see a uniformed officer inside, I am sure that’s all it is.”

“Yeah, let’s get the rest of the groceries in and give him a call.”  Josh took the two propane tanks into the house, and into the back yard as I started to gather some of the grocery bags.  I reached inside the car to grab my phone, and decided to call 911 just to check it out.  It was a little strange.  I hadn’t seen a patrol car around in the last couple days and had just assumed that was because of what Eric said.  If Smith had gone to the States, then there was no point in patrolling the area.  I probably shouldn’t be using this number as it is not an emergency, but Eric’s number is in the house, and if they ask for a licence, I am here and can give it to them.   

“911, what’s your emergency,” was all I heard from the operator before a voice that sent chills down my spine spoke up.

 “Hello Miss”

A cold chill went down my back.  I know that voice, everything started to spin, and I felt nauseous.  When I turned around, it was him, Mr. Smith in a police uniform.  Josh was right, it wasn’t a police car. 

 “He’s here,” was all I was able to get out before I carefully slide the phone into my back pants pocket.  I know he is not going to kill me here, although there is no one on the street, and most people are at work, he is going to want to take me somewhere….private.  If I can keep 911 on the line, maybe they can track the phone and find me before it is too late.  I just have to make sure he doesn’t find the phone first.  Josh will be back out in a second, Smith is not going to get me this time, but I need to stall and think fast. 

 “H--how did you find me?  What do you want?” I stuttered.

“You know what I want, and since you know who I am, you know how this is going to end.”  He smiled his evil smile.

“You know I’ll fight, and I’m not alone and I’ll call the police.”  As I said that, I turned around lightning fast and picked up my old phone off the driver’s seat, the one that holds all my music, turned it on and started to dial 911, but as fast as I did that, Smith was behind me, wrapping an arm so tight around my throat that I could barely breath, let alone scream.  With the other hand, he grabbed the ‘phone’ from my hand, and tossed it to the back of the car.  Still holding me tight against his body, and essentially pinning me to the car, he whispered in my ear, “Nice try, you really are stupid.  Like you thought you would be quick enough to call the police when I am standing not even 2 feet from you!  Either way, I came more prepared this time, and have this.”  It felt like he pressed a gun against my stomach, but the electricity that was shot through my body told me otherwise.  A stun gun.  Mr. Smith swiftly collected my convulsing body off the ground and threw me into the trunk of his car.

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