Chapter Nineteen:

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“What are you doing here?” I asked. 

“I came with the Police, I was worried when they told me what happened, and wanted to make sure you weren’t alone.” 

“I can’t stay with you.  I will be okay, I just want to get home, get HIM off me in a scalding hot shower and go to bed.” 

“I really think it is best if you are not alone.  He is still out there, we will catch him, but if he knows where you live....” Eric started to say, but I cut him off,

“I will be fine.  You know I don’t even live around here.  Thank you, but I just want to go home.” 

“Then I will go with you,” Josh said, as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.  “Don’t worry officer; she will not be left alone.” 

“Alright, we are going to notify the Police in your area and have a patrol car keep an eye on your home.  When my shift is over, I will check in on you as well.  After all what are neighbours for?”  Eric said with a tone that there was no point in challenging.  He was clearly going to make sure I was ok.  “We will contact you with any new information.”

Once I had given the Police all the information I could about Mr. Smith, they gave me their contact numbers and encouraged me to call with anything.  “There is one last thing we may need, and I hate to ask this, but your clothes...  If he left any DNA on them, they will help to make our case open and shut.” 

“Sure, okay, I was probably going to burn them anyway.  I think I have my gym bag in my car, I can change,” I said as I handed them my clothes.  The officer put them into an evidence bag and labelled them.    

“I actually brought you a shirt and some shorts, they might be a little big, but will do till you can get your own clothes.” Josh said.  I just looked at him baffled, he continued, “After what they told me happened, I just thought it might be nice to put on something comfortable.  Plus they may have given me a heads up that you might need different clothes!”

“That’s actually really sweet, thank you; I guess you did get me in your pants after all!” I said smiling at Josh as he handed me the new clothes. 

“Would you like a ride back home,” Eric asked. 

“No, I am okay.  I am feeling better.  But, if you are offering, maybe a ride back to my car?”  

“Sure, as soon as you are discharged, we will take you both to your car.”  I took the clothes Josh gave me to the washroom and changed.  He was right, they were a little big, but I simply took a hair elastic and tried to make the shorts a little tighter so they would not fall down.  They did not really cover the bruises now riddled over my legs and arms, but they were not covered in HIM, and they smelled like Josh, which made me smile. 

When I exited that washroom, I said thanks to Josh and smiled. 

He grabbed my hand and spun me in a small circle.  “Looks great!  Why is it women always look sexy in a man’s shirt and shorts!”  I just smiled, suddenly very shy, and looked at the ground.  Josh put his finger under my chin and lifted my face so I was looking into his eyes.  They were suddenly filled with worry and pain as he looked at the bruises on my body. 

I smiled and said, “I’m ok.”  I reached up, put my hands behind his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him deepening the kiss.  

He broke off the kiss while lifting me off the ground and whispered into my ear, “I was so scared, and worried.  I knew you would fight, and I know we just met, but hated the thought of losing you.”  He kissed my cheek, put me back on the ground and took my hand in his as we waited for the Doctor to discharge me. 

During the ride back to my car, the Police Officers kept telling me that they would find him, not to worry and to call if anything happens.  I zoned out during the ride back, all I could think about was getting home and having this nightmare end ‘this is what happens when I live a little, I get hurt.  If I had just gone home, not let Josh kiss me, none of this would have happened.’  I was so lost in my thoughts that I had not realized, Josh was holding my hand and drawing small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.  It made me smile, and started to change some of my earlier thoughts, ‘if I had gone home, I wouldn’t have met Josh, and he wouldn’t be holding my hand so sweetly.’  He was not looking at me, just looking out the window lost in his own thoughts.

Once we arrived back, the Police were still there, but they had finished with my car.  Surprisingly, they gave me back my gun, after I showed them my licences of course, and cautioning me on the dangers of leaving a firearm unattended in a vehicle.  I apologized for my forgetfulness and informed them it would be going back in its locked box and safe at my house.  The rest of the band came off the bus and rushed over to us.  Everyone hugged me and asked what happened and if I was ok.  I told them I was fine, just a little shaken up, tired, but not hurt.  I really did not want to go into details, not again.  I just wanted to head home. 

“Josh was so worried,” Matt said, “as soon as he walked over to your car and saw that the door was open and your purse on the ground, he called the Police.  We had no idea what was going on, and all of us wanted to make sure you were ok.” 

“That is really sweet, I don’t know what would have happened if the Police had not been called or found me” I lied, I knew too well, what would have and could have happened.  “But I am okay now.  I am safe.”  I may have said that last part to remind myself more than the others. 

“Are you sure you will be alright tonight?”  Eric asked. 

“Yeah I will be okay, thank you for everything.  If you had not pulled him over, I know what would have happened, and I know I wouldn’t have survived.  Thank you.” 

“I will be in touch, and call if anything happens.” 

“I will.”  He turned to Josh and said, “take care of her, stay with her, and if anything happens, call without hesitation.  I will make sure a patrol car is nearby and I will call as soon as we catch the son of a bitch.”  With that, most of the Police left, there was one car that stayed behind just in case he came back.      

“Josh, I will be okay, you don’t need to come with me.  Besides, it’s like 3 in the morning.  Don’t you have work to do or a show tomorrow?” 

“Are you crazy?  I am not leaving you alone again!  I did it once, and look what happened.  If I hadn’t left you alone for so long, none of this would have happened.  Besides, we don’t have a show tomorrow, not until next week, and it is not far from Toronto, and there is nothing that I need to do, so you are not going to get rid of me.  If you insist on going to your home, I am coming too.  Everyone else is going sightseeing tomorrow, so if you wanna go with, otherwise, and in the meantime, I want to stay with you.” 

“Fine, but no offense to any of you guys, I give you credit for sleeping long term on that bus, but I want to sleep in my bed!”  Everyone just laughed, asked me again if I was ok, gave me a hug and headed back to the bus.

Once everyone was gone, I turned to Josh and said “Look, there is no point in you coming with me, I am sure the Police will be near my house, and Eric, my neighbour will undoubtedly come by when he gets off shift.  I don’t want to take up anymore of your time.  Today has been filled with too much drama and shit.  We both need to rest.  And you don’t need this shit in your life.”

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