Chapter Five:

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“Okay, good point.  First of all, I clearly did not realize that about this place, second, we are on tour, playing a show down the road and I wanted to get out, I took a cab and he said they have the best burgers here, so he dropped me off.  I ate, my phone went dead and here I am.”  He said smiling proudly. 

“Still why would he, or I guess you, be here alone, especially if he had a show tonight?  Is there not like a sound check or prep time, or something?” 

“There is and that is why I needed your phone – to tell them I am running late.” 

“I don’t know,” I said still not believing a word he said, “I guess it’s plausible, but still you are not him.  I work with a lot of people who like to spin stories and basically lie through their teeth, so forgive me for not believing that Josh Ramsay would be here of all places.” 

“Tell you what; what will you give me if I can prove it to you?” He asked, genuinely frustrated that I would not believed him. 

“Why is this so important to you?  Who cares if I don’t believe you?” I exclaimed. 

“I don’t know why it is important.  For some reason it bothers me.  I mean you were listening to our songs, you clearly know who we are, and yet you are not fan-girling, so I don’t think you are the average ‘trencher’, which intrigues me a bit.  Not to mention you thought I was going to hurt you or some shit, and nearly got me killed, so I think it is more to prove my point and maybe to get an apology from you.  I mean I can’t be the only one to keep saying sorry here.”  He said smiling.

“Seriously, so you simply want an apology for me thinking you were a ‘bad guy’.”  I asked confused.

“And an acknowledgement of who I am.”  He smirked.

“Alright, let’s get something straight,” I started, clearly getting annoyed by his reasoning and this silly situation, “you grabbed my arm, you, scared the shit out of me, if you aren’t a ‘bad guy’ you are a douche bag.  How can you expect an apology out of me when I am still more than a little freaked out because of what you did?” 

He simply looked at me, and a huge smile spread across his face that seemed to go from ear to ear.  He started to say something, but I immediately cut him off. 

“Are you seriously smiling right now?” I didn’t know whether to laugh or scream.  “Alright douche bag it is!  But you cannot possibly be that full of yourself to be so upset that I don’t believe who you say you are and I am not a screaming girl, jumping all over you demanding an autograph or picture.”

“Well, I am Josh Ramsay, and most fans would be all over me, so I do wonder why you aren’t, and what I can do to change that,” He said in a flirtatious tone and winked at me. 

“Seriously, trying to flirt after all this?  I may not believe who you say you are, but I do believe you are a huge douche bag.”  I smiled.  There was something about his smile; I was having a hard time holding onto my anger.  He made me want to laugh about everything, about this stupid situation, how stupid I had been and how paranoid. 

“Tell you what, if I can prove it to you, you give me a ride to the venue.”  He stated.

“So you go from scaring me to wanting me to drive you somewhere...alone?  What exactly makes you think I would put myself voluntarily into that situation?”

“I am so confident that I can prove it too you, and once you know who I am, you will not be afraid.  And since you are not the average ‘trencher’, I have no fear that you will attack me, so I can trust you as well.  Most importantly, since I am already late, I am kind of desperate.” 

He just stared at me with those eyes, so blue, so bright, just pleading with me, and that smile, so warm yet a little devious.  Maybe I was just tired and wanted to get home, so against my better judgement I said, “Alright, fine!  If what you say is true,” I challenged, “which I don’t know, why would he be here....  Fine, let’s pretend what you say is true, if you can prove it, I will give you a ride.” 

“Sounds like a decent bet” he said, “so how to prove it to you...” he put his index finger to his mouth, tapping his mouth as if to show he was thinking in depth, “I know, what is your favorite Marianas Trench song?” He asked. 

“I don’t really have a favorite, I like them all, but I guess right now, I like Alive Again.” 

“Interesting choice, why that one?” He questioned “it’s so old and not the most popular.” 

“I don’t know” I blushed and looked down, I could feel my face turn red and tears were threatening to come out, thank God for sunglasses!  I took a slow deep breath, still looking at the ground, blinked the tears away and said, “Part of the song means something to me and I can relate.  I don’t really know what it is all about, and maybe I have interpreted it incorrectly, but I like my interpretation, so don’t really care if I’m wrong.” 

“Alright”, he said, “here goes nothing…  For a ride right?” I shook my head yes, he put out his hand and we shook on it.  Just then, he started to sing the song, the hand movements, and the voice, if it wasn’t him, it was a damn good impersonation.  I started laughing; he started to sing Stutter and attempted to make me dance with him.  As he was reaching for me, I kept swatting his hands away.

“Okay, okay” I laughed, “you convinced me that you are the best impersonator I have ever met.  I guess you earned a ride.”

“Bullshit, I am not a fucking impersonator!”  He breathed heavily but smiled. 

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