Chapter Fifteen:

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Josh’s POV:

‘What the fuck...where did she go?  I still have her phone.  I knew it..., I freaked her out, Matt was right, I shouldn’t have pushed her, I can be too much of an asshole sometimes.’  I thought to myself.  “Jordan?  Please tell me you are still here?” I asked quietly looking around the bus.  I happened to look outside and saw that her car was still here, so she has to be here somewhere.  “Jordan?  Are you alright?”  I searched everywhere, the bus is not that big, but she was not here.  ‘Where the hell did she go?’ I thought to myself.

I decided to go back to the building to see if maybe she came looking for me, but no one inside had seen her. 

“Maybe she just left, you said she was not feeling well, so maybe she decided to head home, just give her a call?”  Matt said. 

“I can’t, I have her fucking phone,” I said to the others, “I should have given it back to her after the show.  I just forgot that I had it.”  I was starting to get a little angry at this point, ‘after everything today, she just takes off, what the fuck!  I know she felt something when we kissed.’  “She has to be here, she may have left without her phone, but where would she go without her car?  It’s still out back.”  I said. 

“Did you check her car?  Maybe she felt more comfortable lying down in there?”  One of the girls asked.  “Shit, no I didn’t, I’ll be back, but if you see her, tell her to wait for me,” and I headed to check her car.

I left the building, and started to walk towards her car.  It was oddly quiet and dark out.  There was no moon, very few stars, and just the eerie light from the street lamp in the parking lot.  The fans had left long ago, and there were very few cars driving on the street.  ‘Strange’ I thought to myself ‘it is only a little after 1200am, I mean, I know it is late, but it is Friday and we are in Toronto, where is everyone?’  I suddenly got a sickly feeling as I approached Jordan’s car, the driver’s side door was ajar and the interior light was on.  As I got closer, I could hear the faint sound of beeping, probably coming from the car.  I noticed her purse on the ground, and could smell something strong.  ‘What is that?’ I thought as I inhaled deeply.  As I got closer, my eyes started to water, and I could barely breathe, ‘Oh’s pepper spray!’  Her purse was coated in the strong scent, as I knelt down to pick up her purse, a little pink canister of pepper spray rolled under the car.  My mind flashed back to earlier this evening when she was gripping it so tightly in her hands. 

Jordan was nowhere in sight.

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