Chapter Twelve:

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“Don’t,” I whispered, with pleading eyes.

“Why not” he said, not moving away.

I didn’t really have a reason, I just stared blankly at him.  Josh broke the silence buy pressing his lips softly to mine.

This is the first kiss I have had since the death of my husband.  It was slow and passionate, not rushed, gentle and somehow loving.  Slowly our lips began to dance with each other as I returned his kiss.  He was pressing his body to mine, his hands holding my hips firmly.  My hands went to his hips, and my fingers hooked into his belt buckle.  I could feel the kiss becoming more intimate as he gently bit by bottom lip, I responded, by allowing his tongue to enter my mouth.  He took the offer, and gently played for power with my tongue.  I could feel him growing against me, and was more than flattered that I did that to him. 

I let out a breathy moan whispering, “Fuck me,” and could feel him smile into the kiss. 

“Maybe later,” is all he said as he broke off the kiss and smiled back at me.

Oh my God, did I just say that out loud!  Shit, I did not mean that literally’ I thought to myself, blushing for not being aware of my own words.

“Now, I have some work to do, and want you to come too.  Please stay for the show, we can talk some more afterwards if you want, and frankly, after that kiss, I don’t want you to leave.” He winked at me, smiled and held his hand out for me to take it.

“I guess I could stay for a bit,” I said suddenly very shy, but still angry, and horribly embarrassed.  I took his hand and he led me back to into the building.

“Are you ok?” One of the girls asked sympathetically, and staring Josh down as if he was a dog that got into the garbage.  She continued, “Josh is a douche, he should not have said that, but he does mean well.  He is a good guy.  If you want, we will all beat him up for you?” She said with a smile.

“When he is not looking, I’ll hit him hard,” I said with a half smirk.

“Yeah, I guess the guard never leaves eh?” Josh said, now looking a little worried.  “I guess I will have to keep my eyes on you and opened.”

“We will see how long you can keep that up, I am very patient.” 

Josh gave me a worried smile, kissed the top of my head and said “I have to go get changed, and do some stuff, the show will be starting soon.  Are you okay to hang out with the girls here?  Before the show starts, I will come get you and find you a place to watch.”

“I will be fine, go do what you have to do, just watch what you say.” 

"I am so sorry again, I feel like since we meet, all I have been doing is apologizing.”

“Then stop being a douche.”

“I’ll try”, he smiled, let go of my hand and headed off.

I went with the girls back to the room we were in before, just a small room at the back of the building.  Clearly, they knew about what had just happened, and thankfully did not make me talk about it.  They gave me their condolences, and simply said that if I wanted to talk they were there.  I have talked enough about it for one day, so simply thanked them and gave a reassuring smile.  We talked a little more about random stuff, before the rest of the band came back in to grab some water and get worked up for the show.

They brought the four of us to the side of the stage, where we were able to watch the show.  Josh came over, took my hands and pulled me aside.  “I am glad you decided to stay, but just in case, I am still holding your phone hostage!”  He lifted my chin up with his finger, put his arms around my waist, and pulled me into him giving me a quick kiss.  He smiled at me, “please don’t go anywhere,” he said, then the music started and he walked back towards the stage to for their first song.

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