Chapter Eighteen:

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Jordan POV:

 Meanwhile, back in the trunk...

PREVIOUSLY - Nothing.  No bang.  No gunpowder.  NO CHANCE.  ‘Shit’ I thought, the clip was empty.  ‘Fucking idiot’ of course it was empty this is Canada; you don’t carry a loaded firearm with you, unless you are a Cop of course.  ‘Now what Jordan?... Think….  Don’t give up, it isn’t over yet’ I talked myself up.  I could feel the car coming to a stop, ‘we are either at a stop sign or the final destination’, I thought, praying for the former.

I heard a car door close, but it wasn’t the car that I was in, it came from behind.  I could hear footsteps approaching the trunk, my stomach sank again, I felt sick; ‘he has a partner’ I thought ‘I can’t fight two of them, what is the point anymore?’  I could feel myself giving up, I could feel the tears starting to come, as I started to pray ‘please let it be quick, don’t let me suffer.  Somehow let my family and friends know how much I love them that I tried, that I fought as long as I could.  Don’t let them know what actually happened to me; that would kill them.’ 

The footsteps walked past the trunk towards the driver’s side door, I could hear a voice again “Licence and registration please.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was the Police.  I didn’t know if they pulled him over because of something routine, but I was not taking the chance that they would not find me.  So I started to scream and bang around in the trunk, hoping they would hear me.  I then heard a lot of commotion and screaming from the front of the vehicle, all I could make out was “GET OUT OF THE CAR!  Unit 223 I need back up....  Get on the ground.... STOP!” 

Within minutes I heard more sirens, “He went that way” someone yelled, “White male, approximately 6’2, 200lbs, shaved head, tattoo of a skull on the back of his head, and a tear under his left eye.  He has tattoos up and down both his arms.”  I heard some of the patrol cars drive past the trunk, and heard footsteps coming to the back of the vehicle.

The trunk opened, I was instantly blinded by the light now coming into the dark space and could not see who was standing there.   I was still holding onto my gun and was pointing it at the now open space, I knew it wasn’t loaded, but they didn’t, and after today, I was not letting my guard done until I was sure I was safe.  “It’s okay, we’re the Police.  You’re safe, now put the gun down!” One of them said in a calming tone.  Once I was able to focus, I saw uniforms and started to cry a breath of relief as I put the gun down.  One of the officers gave me his hand and helped me out of the trunk.  “Whose gun is this?” He asked. 

“It’s mine,” I sobbed, “I have a licence and everything, but it is in my purse.  It isn’t loaded.” 

“Well, it will go into evidence for now, I am sure you can get it back later,”  I nodded my head in understanding as he cut off my leg and hand restraints, and lead me to an awaiting ambulance .  As we walked, he asked me “Do I know you?  You look really familiar.” 

“I don’t know,” I said, thinking ‘what an odd thing to say to someone you just pulled out of a trunk!

Once we reached the ambulance he seemed to realize who I was “Oh my God, I do know you, you live across the street from me.  I was so sorry to hear about your husband.  We would talk all the time when he went running or was working on the house.  He was a good man.  But I haven’t seen you out in awhile.” 

I gave a small smile, sighed and said, “I don’t do much aside from work.  This is why,” I said while looking at the now visible marks on my wrists from their constraints “my life is shit, and I seem to attract problems when I leave the house.” 

“Well, since we have not officially met, my name is Eric Shaw, and I’m glad I found you when I did.” 

“Me too,” was all I could say before the Paramedic asked, “Are you hurt?” 

“Um... no... I think I’m okay.”  I managed to choke out as I started to shake.  The stress of the past events starting to send my body into shock. 

“Okay, we are still going to need to check you out.” She said as she helped me get into the ambulance.  Eric started to ask my some questions about what happened, I answered them the best I could, until I said,

“I.... um.... need to make a call.    Do you.... Um.... have a phone I can borrow?” I asked him. 

“Of course” he generously gave me his cell phone.  The only person I could think to call was my phone that I was hoping Josh still had.  I dialed the number and it rang a couple times going to voicemail.  ‘Shit’ I thought, I sent a text ‘It’s Jordan, I didn’t leave you.  I got into some trouble, but I’m okay now.  I am heading to the hospital.  I will call you when I get out.’  I handed the phone back to the officer and thanked him. 

“Is there someone I can get for you to meet you at the hospital?”  Eric asked.  I thought for a minute, ‘it would be nice for someone to be there with me, but I don’t want to worry anyone.  I am not going to be there long’ and finally said “No...  But, car, my keys should be there too, that is where all this started to happen.  ....My purse is there, with all my guess there is someone....a he is still there, he has my cell phone.....can someone tell him I am okay.... and I guess....where I am.” 

“Sure, not a problem, what is his name?” 

“Sorry” I asked a little dazed.

“Where is your car and what is your friends’ name, the guy who has your phone?” 

“Oh Josh, Josh Ramsay,” I said and told him where my car was. 

“Okay, I am going to go do that for you, but I will be back and meet you at the hospital.  I have some more questions for you.  Okay?”  He said. 

“Okay” was all that I could muster.  With that, the Paramedic closed the back doors to the ambulance and we started to drive to the hospital.

The hospital staff, very nice people who tried to make it as comfortable as possible, checked me out.  They took scrapings from under my nails, took pictures of the bruises now forming on my body from when Mr. Smith threw me to the ground and had his arms and hands around my throat.  I was so numb; I had stopped crying long ago, but continued to feel violated by what they had to do to get evidence.  Finally they were done, and handed me my clothes back.  I really did not want to put them back on.  They had HIM all over them, his stench, and just the memory of HIM and what just happened, and what could have happened if the Police did not pull him over.  They told me, he had expired plates and a break light out.  It was a routine traffic stop that saved my life.  I was still sitting on the bed in the hospital gown when Eric, the police officer who saved me, and a female officer walked in. 

“Oh, I’m sorry; we will come back when you’re changed.” 

“I’m not putting those clothes back on.  I can’t,” I said in a voice so quiet, I don’t know if I was saying it for them of more for myself. 

“Alright, are you okay if we asked you some more questions then?” 

“Sure” I said as I took a deep breath. 

“First I was able to get your stuff.  Mr. Ramsay called the Police when he found your purse, so he was aware that something had happened, and other officers were there when I arrived.  He handed me my purse and my phone. 

“Thank you” I smiled weakly.   

Both officers asked me some more questions about what happened, I told them everything I could, his name, his crimes, his Parole Officer, where he was suppose to be staying and now that I had my purse and work phone, I could also give them his phone number.  Their questions never seemed to end. 

Finally, the female officer stated, “Is there someone you can call, or somewhere you can go tonight?  You shouldn’t be alone.” 

“No...” I started to say but Josh came into the room and cut me off,

“Of course she does, she can stay with us.” 

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