Chapter Twenty-Five:

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Josh’s POV:

A couple hours and multiple orgasms later, Jordan was in the shower when the doorbell rang.  “Josh do you mind getting that?  Sometimes the neighbour’s kids kick balls over the fence and they want to get them back.”

“No problem.”

I peeked out the peep hole and it wasn’t a kid, it was the officer that saved Jordan, Eric.  So I opened the door.

“Hey man, what’s up, any news on the asshole that did this to Jordan?”

“I’m sorry who are you?”  Eric looked rough, like he hadn’t slept.

“Josh, we met the other night.”

“Right, so what are you doing here now? Where were you earlier?”

“Jordan basically ditched me and wouldn’t let me come back with her, but I came on my own not too long after she left.”

“How long are you staying for?  You must have work to get back to, a show or something?”

“Nope, nothing anytime too soon, besides, didn’t you want someone to stay with her while this guy was out there?”  Something was off with this guy.  Was he jealous, did he want to be here with Jordan?  He seemed very anxious to know when I was leaving, and kept looking me up and down. 

“Oh, yeah, I just figured since I was off shift for the next four days, I could take over, let you get back to work.”

“No worries, I’m here, but I will be leaving for a show at the end of the week, so if there is no news by then…”  I was beginning to get a weird vibe from this guy, this was more than jealousy, but I did not know what it was.  He seemed to really want me out of the house.  

“Whatever.  Is Jordan here?”  Eric was becoming more and more irritated.

“Yeah, she’s in the shower.  Why don’t you come in and wait.  She should be out soon.  Do you have any information for her?”

“No, just tell to come to my house when she is done.  I would prefer to share the Intel with her.”  And with that he turned and left the front porch.

“Weird.”  I locked the door and headed back up the stairs.

“Who was it?”  Jordan yelled from the shower. 

I walked into the bathroom, “That cop…. Jordan, how well do you know him?”

“I don’t really know him.  Aside from seeing him outside his house now and then, I have never actually met him….  Why?”

“He seems a little off.  There is something about him….I don’t know.”

“What are you talking about?  He’s a good guy.”

“I don’t know.  I just got a strange feeling, maybe he is just jealous that I am here with you…” I said as I peeked into the shower.

“What are you doing, get out!”  Jordan laughed

“I was starting to forget what you looked like, and I think I need a reminder of how you feel.”  I stripped off my clothes and joined Jordan in the shower before she had the chance to object.  God she was gorgeous, her skin silky soft, soft blue eyes, and lips still swollen from earlier.  I never want to stop touching this woman.  By the time we were done, the water was no longer warm, but the cool shower helped to cool our hot skin.

“By the way,” I started as we got out of the shower, “that cop wants you to go over to his house.  Something about the case, but he wouldn’t tell me.”

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