Chapter Sixteen:

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Jordan’s POV: 

As soon as the bus stopped spinning, I got up off the bathroom floor, checked myself in the mirror and surprisingly, I did not look too bad.  A little pale from the headache and being sick, but my makeup had not completed melted off my face!  I touched it up a little bit and headed off the bus in search of Josh.  I decided to put my purse in my car first.  Once I reached my car, I opened the driver’s door and someone pushed me roughly up against the car, wrapping a hand over my mouth and an arm around my throat.

“Go ahead, try to scream and fight” a harsh voice roughly whispered into my ear.  His breath was putrid, and his hands rough.  In a split second, he had me spun around to face him, and although his hand was off my mouth, he moved it to my throat, squeezing tight enough that I could not speak.  I was face to face with the dangerous and smiling Mr. Smith, who was holding a very big knife. 

 ‘Fuck’ was all I could think. 

“Let’s go”, was all he said, as he moved his hand away from my throat, and manoeuvred behind me with the knife sticking in my back.  He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “If you try to scream I will not hesitate to stick this right in and slice open your back.  It won’t be the first time.” 

I shook my head in understanding, as he pushed me to start walking, and then I remembered, I am still holding my purse, the pepper spray is right on top.  ‘Do it quick Jordan, move fast’ I thought to myself as I stomped as hard as I could on his foot.  It was enough to get him to release his grip slightly, so I was able to reach into my purse.  I pulled out my little pink canister of pepper spray, turned and sprayed directly behind me.  ‘How could I miss?  FUCK!’ 

He simply smirked as he grabbed my shoulders and slammed me hard on the cement, straddling over me pinning my arms to the ground with his knees and covering my mouth again with his hand.  “So, you’re a fighter.  I knew you would be a challenge, dress all professional, but the bitch has some bite.  This is going to be fun!”  He said, eyeing me eagerly.  He bent over, licked my cheek and ran his free hand over my body.  I knew what he was going to do to me, I had read his file; he assaults his victims then cuts them open.  Only one woman had survived.  As the images of his past crimes came flooding to my mind, all I could think was ‘Don’t show fear Jordan, be strong, don’t give him the satisfaction of tears.  Where the FUCK is everybody!  Where is security?  How can nobody be around, I don’t want to die like this.’

‘Wait, what is that’ I thought, as Mr. Smith’s hand was greedily wondering over my body, touching me as he licked his lips.  ‘Voices, I hear voices….Who is that?  Oh please come closer!’ 

Mr. Smith heard it too; “Shh...” he said smiling, and running the blade of his knife over my cheek, and putting all his body weight on top of me as he peered through the windows of the car.  “You struggle; I will kill you and go after them.”

(Matt and Josh’s conversation in the parking lot before he went on the bus looking for Jordan)

After Matt and Josh were done talking, and I am only assuming left the parking lot, Mr. Smith said, “Aright.  Let’s go.  MOVE NOW!”  He forcefully lifted me up by my hair, but my hands were free.  I used all my strength to open my car door, I tried to get in and close the door, but I was only able to open it before Mr. Smith violently pushed me back down to the ground on my stomach, but I could see it, right under the driver’s seat...  my .22 High Standard Firearm.  I had gone to the gun range the night before, and must have forgotten it in my car! 

“FUCKING BITCH!  Still have not learned eh?  I guess we will have to do this the hard way!”  Mr. Smith mumbled.  He was sitting on my back binding my legs.  I had a chance to reach for the gun!  I was able to retrieve it and slide it into the front of my pants before he got off my back and began to tie my arms behind me.  He pulled me up by my now constrained arms, and threw me over his shoulder as he walked me to his car, right around the corner.  How he did not feel the firearm on his shoulder, I have no idea, but I thanked God for small miracles, and thought that I still had a chance.  But, there was still no one around, ‘Where the FUCK is everyone!’ I thought. 

He threw me in the trunk, grinned and said, “Like I said before, this is going to be fun.  I will show you what a real man can do to a woman.  I was worried I would not get this opportunity!”  With that, he slammed the car trunk closed, got into the driver’s side and started to drive away.

As we drove, I could hear him actually singing to the radio.  It made my stomach turn; he really was a dangerous man.  The psychological torture was enough to drive someone insane.  While in the trunk, I tried to keep calm, telling myself ‘you will survive, don’t panic, FIGHT!  I was able to bring my arms down to my feet and slip them to the front so I could reach my gun.  I manoeuvred myself in the trunk so I was facing the front of the car, aimed the gun towards the driver’s seat and pulled the trigger....









Nothing.  No bang.  No gunpowder.  NO CHANCE.  ‘Shit’ I thought, the clip was empty.  ‘Fucking idiot’ of course it was empty this is Canada; you don’t carry a loaded firearm with you, unless you are a Cop of course.  ‘Now what Jordan?... Think….  Don’t give up, it isn’t over yet’ I talked myself up.  I could feel the car coming to a stop, ‘we are either at a stop sign or the final destination’, I thought, praying for the former.

I heard a car door close, but it wasn’t the car that I was in, it came from behind.  I could hear footsteps approaching the trunk, my stomach sunk again, I felt sick; ‘he has a partner’ I thought ‘I can’t fight two of them, what is the point anymore?’  I could feel myself giving up, I could feel the tears starting to come, as I started to pray ‘please let it be quick, don’t let me suffer.  Somehow let my family and friends know how much I love them that I tried, that I fought as long as I could.  Don’t let them know what actually happened to me; that would kill them.’ 

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