Remember Me - Thranduil

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You stood in the shadows and watched with eyes that picked up every detail of the scene before you. Dwarves approached the house on which Gandalf had placed the mark. As usual, your clothes were dark to help you hide. You kept your hood over your head and a mask over the lower half of your face. Gandalf had recruited you to join the dwarves on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain.

It sounded like a horrible idea if you were honest, but Gandalf had done you a kindness once, expecting nothing in return. This was a way for you to repay the debt. The wizard instructed you to keep your identity hidden as these dwarves in particular had an extreme dislike of elves. It wasn't a hardship, you would have kept it hidden anyway. Not that there was much to tell. You knew your name and that you were an elf. That was all. The last sixty years had been spent roaming Middle Earth trying to remember who you were. Everything before then was a void. Your true name was a secret known only to yourself.

Making your way to the hobbit hole, you knocked lightly on the door.

"No more dwarves," a hobbit with curly hair said as he answered. His eyes widened as he took you in. "You are not a dwarf."

"Indeed, I am not, master hobbit. I am here at the request of the wizard."

"You and everyone else," he muttered as he stepped aside to allow you entry.

You nodded your thanks and ducked inside. The dwarves were loud and rowdy and you found yourself a quiet space at the edge of the room. Gandalf's gaze found you, but everyone else seemed oblivious to your presence. Another knock sounded at the door. When the dwarf responsible walked in, the room went silent.

Thorin Oakenshield. The name came to you before anyone said it. You knew this dwarf, but how? That knowledge still evaded you. You tore your gaze from the new arrival to find Gandalf watching you intently. What was he up to this time? Meddling wizard.

You listened as they discussed the quest and Gandalf told the king that yourself and the hobbit would accompany them. The dwarf was not happy with that news in the slightest. His eyes narrowed at you in suspicion. "You say the hobbit is a burglar, but who is she that her presence will assist us in our task?"

"I am Shade," you answered. Once again, the room went silent as all eyes locked on you.

"'re a woman," the one named Kili pointed out.

"Astute observation, dwarf," you said, smiling beneath your mask.

"She goes," Thorin decreed. Apparently, your reputation preceded you.


Every day in the Company's presence, you remembered a little more of your past. Just snippets really, but you felt the whole of your memory hovering just out of your reach. Then came the day that the dwarves were sharing stories about the dragon and what their home was like before they lost it. Memories flooded you and stole your breath. You clenched your teeth to keep from gasping out loud.

Increasing your speed, you moved up beside Thorin. "I need to speak with the wizard. I'll return," you told him. You weren't asking permission, but he would need to send someone else to watch the rear of the line.

Thorin studied you for a moment before nodding once. "Dwalin, take up the rear."

You veered off from the rest of the group and went in the direction you'd last seen Gandalf. He rarely traveled with the Company, instead moving ahead or to the side scouting for danger or better pathways. At least that's what you assumed he was doing, you'd never bothered to ask.

It didn't take you long to track him. He was quite a distance ahead of the dwarves. He sat on a boulder near the river, smoking his pipe.

"How long have you known?"

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