He's not so bad - Thorin

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A/N: This one is for daisy_up     Sorry it took me so long! Hope you like it. 


You made your way through the quiet halls of Erebor humming to yourself as you went. You were snacking on some berries you'd managed to collect from the forest a few days before as you walked toward the hoard. Okay, technically it was the treasure chamber but you'd long ago ceased calling it that.

"Hello," you called out as you stepped into the cavernous room. The large, red dragon half-buried in gold in the middle of the room raised one eyelid to look at you. He huffed out a breath and closed his eye.

"I'm tired. Go away," he grumbled.

"Nonsense," you argued, having long ago lost your fear of the beast. "It is nearly evening."

His eyes shot back open at that. "Is it?" He yawned and stretched, pulling his long body from the treasure. "What have you there?" he asked, eyeing the food in your hand.  

You smirked. "Berries." His lip curled in disgust and you laughed. "I'm not hunting for you Smaug. I'd never be able to carry all that meat back."

He simply grunted and repositioned himself to get more comfortable. Fortunately, he only needed to eat once a month or so. He'd fly out and eat his fill then return to Erebor. The two of you had been living quite companionably within the mountain since the rest of the dwarves had fled. Well, not immediately. Smaug was the reason for their departure after all. 

You had been injured and separated from your family in a blast of flame from the dragon. When he found you still alive after the others escaped, he'd threatened to roast you alive and eat you. At that point you were tired of being scared and you missed your family. So, you'd said, "Go ahead. What are you waiting for?"

Instead of eating you, Smaug had laughed. It was a strange beginning to a strange friendship. You had contemplated more than once over the years trying to follow your people, but your injury had left you with noticeable weakness on one side. You did fine exploring around here, but there was no way you would be able to make a long journey. And you didn't even know if the ones you cared for the most still lived. 

Shaking your head to clear the past from your memories, you grabbed the book you'd been reading and curled up against Smaug's side. The fire in his belly would keep you warm while you read. Before you could begin to read, you heard a noise. Evidently Smaug heard it as well as he used his nose to nudge you behind a pillar. "Hide."

You did as he said and watched as he dove into the gold, burying himself once more. You remained hidden and resisted the urge to peek out when you heard Smaug call someone a thief. It wasn't a dwarf then. He promised he'd let you see any dwarves that showed up before scaring them off. You sighed in disappointment. 

It wasn't long before he ran past you as he chased the thief away. He glanced briefly in your direction to make certain you were safe and winked before continuing after his prey. You shook your head and chuckled in amusement. "Dwarves," Smaug growled in disgust and you immediately jumped up from your hiding place and hurried in the direction he'd gone. His body blocked most of your view as he snarled and growled. 

Given the limitations of your body, you couldn't move any faster. Looking around you found a large gem near your feet and picked it up. You hurled it through the air and it bounced off Smaug's head. He turned to you with a snarl. "Was that necessary?"

"Run, lass," a familiar voice yelled and you sucked in a breath.

You were still too far away to make out the features and Smaug's bulk blocked a good portion of your view anyway. But you would swear you knew that voice. Your dragon friend had stopped his forward progression and you ran a hand along his side. "Move out of the way you big oaf. I can't see anything."

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