Fix it - Thranduil

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You reached the gates of Mirkwood and slid from the back of your horse. "What is your business here?" asked one of the guards.

"Prince Legolas summoned me," you responded. "If you could inform him that Y/N is here, please."

You lived in Rivendell but had been friends with Legolas and Thranduil for many years. You supposed you were overdue for a visit but hadn't been thinking about coming until you'd received Legolas's missive. He was vague, saying only that your presence was needed. That it was indeed a matter of life and death. You'd come straight away, not even bothering to reply to the letter first.

"Y/N!" a voice called as the gate opened and you looked up to see your friend. 

"Legolas, mellon, it has been too long." You embraced him in a tight hug before stepping back with a frown. "Now, what is so urgent?"

He glanced around nervously. "Not here." He shifted his attention to the guards. "See that the lady's horse is properly cared for and have her bags taken to her rooms."

"Of course, my lord," one of the guards answered.

Legolas linked his hand with yours and dragged you across the grounds and into the palace. He didn't stop until you reached his rooms. Pulling you inside, he shut the door behind you. This was very unlike your friend. You took a couple of steps away from him and put your hands up. "What are you doing?"

"I need you to fix, ada," was his response.

You blinked at him a couple of times as you tried to process what he was saying. "You need me to fix Thranduil? What are you talking about?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his impossibly long hair. "He's miserable and cranky and impossible to live with. I haven't seen him smile since the last time we were in Rivendell. He doesn't have many friends, but if anyone can get through to him, it is you."

Your jaw tightened as you clenched your teeth. "You said it was matter of life and death."

"It is. If he doesn't stop, I'm going to kill him."

You ran a hand down your face in exasperation. "And what did your father say when you told him I was coming to visit?"

His face turned red. 

"Legolas Greenleaf!" You were beyond annoyed with your friend now. The last thing you wanted to do was annoy the king of Mirkwood. You had fancied him for some time and on your better days, you imagined that he was mildly fond of you. Like the affection one might have for a well loved pet. "What in Middle Earth made you think this was a good idea? Your father doesn't care enough about me for me to have that much of an impact. Surely there is someone here that he is much closer to him than I."

He smirked. "I think you underestimate my father's opinion of you."

You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "I'll stay the night. If Thranduil doesn't want me here, I'm leaving. Got it?"

"Understood," he said solemnly but he was unable to hide his smile.


Legolas showed you to your room and you changed into a deep blue dress as it was almost time for the evening meal. When you finished changing you opened a door to find a guard on the other side. You arched a brow at him. 

"Prince Legolas has sent me to ensure that you arrive at the royal dining room on time, my lady," he explained.

"It may have been awhile since I was here, but I remember where everything is just fine. I do not need an escort."

"Very well, my lady," he said. He followed you through the halls just the same. 

You arrived at the dining room and let yourself in. The only other person in the room was the king, his back turned to you as he stared out the windows on the far side of the room. You watched him for a moment before speaking. "I suppose it is too much to hope for that Legolas mentioned I was here," you say finally.

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