Falling - The Company

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A/N: super long. Sorry, not sorry.

It hadn't been your idea to come along on this quest. And it certainly hadn't been Thorin's idea, or any of the other dwarves for that matter. Even Bilbo didn't seem to know why you were part of the company as they went to reclaim Erebor.

But Gandalf knew. He had insisted on your presence in fact though none of you knew why. You had just shrugged and gone along with the wizard's demands. An adventure was an adventure as far as you were concerned. It wouldn't be the first time you'd been part of a group that resented your presence and you doubted it would be the last. 

As a woman in a patriarchal society you were used to your skills being underestimated. Truth be told, you did find it a bit irritating that Thorin hadn't even asked what you were capable of before announcing that he didn't want you to come. Only Gandalf's insistence that you were an integral part of the mission curbed his arguments. 

Everything started to change with the goblins. When you fell into their kingdom the others did their best to keep you in the middle, to protect you from the poking and prodding of the goblins. You were a female and it was the dwarven way, regardless how many times you told them you didn't need their protection.

After the king ordered you all stripped of weapons he demanded to know why you were in his kingdom. When no one answered he called for the torture devices to be brought forth. His gaze rolled over your group until it settled on you. "Start with the female," he hissed and the goblins cheered. You clenched your teeth together but stood firm. You could at least have the satisfaction of not giving them what they wanted. 

"Wait!" Thorin called and pushed his way to the front of your group. Great, now the mighty Oakenshield was going to get killed because of you. Your eyes darted between the two kings as they spoke, wanting to say something, but not daring to.

It wasn't until one of the goblins tossed a blade aside in fear that you felt any sort of hope. Chaos erupted as the Goblin King recognized the sword and cowered from it. Surely you could use the chaos as a diversion of some sort. Before you could think further than that a flash of white light blinded you and knocked your feet out from under you. 

The next thing you knew, Gandalf was yelling for you all to fight so you did. You scrambled for your sword and quickly began to slash your way through pale goblin flesh. You fought and you ran. If you'd had time to think about it, the rickety constructions you ran on probably would have scared you more than goblins you fought. 

Soon enough, the goblin king intercepted you only to be dispatched readily by the wizard. And then you were falling. Again. Gandalf pulled you from the wreckage before the grand goblin fell so you were spared that part at least. When you looked up to see where he came from your eyes widened in horror. "Run!" you yelled and began to pull the rest of the Company to their feet. Goblins swarmed in your direction from the upper reaches of the caves. 

Eventually you escaped from the caves into fresh air and daylight. And miraculously enough you all survived, although you thought you'd misplaced your hobbit for a moment. After Bilbo gave his speech of wanting to help the dwarves reclaim their home, Thorin turned his eyes on you. 

"And you, Y/N, why do you stay?" he demanded. 

You glanced at Gandalf but doubted the dwarven king was going to take 'he told me to' as an answer. Instead you looked around at The Company, certain several of them still did not wish you amongst their number. You opened your mouth to answer but froze instead as a sound reached your ears. Wargs.

You closed your eyes and groaned. "Run!" you yelled once again. The others looked at you for a moment then heard the sound as well. Soon you were at a cliff and there was nowhere left to go but up the trees. "Is this a good time to remind you how much I hate heights?" you asked Gandalf as you scrambled up behind him. A chuckle was your only answer.

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