You Don't Say - Aragorn

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A/N: Italics is elvish because I'm not going to try to translate all that. This is for daisy_up


You hadn't intended to become part of the Fellowship when you followed your brother Boromir to Rivendell. It had just sort of happened. You couldn't very well let a hobbit volunteer to make such a treacherous journey and not offer to help him. Your brother had been most displeased by your decision to join though he couldn't argue that you would not be useful. 

Your brothers had trained you with a sword themselves. And you'd had your nose stuck in a book almost from the moment you could read. You were knowledgeable about many things Boromir was not even remotely interested in. And that knowledge just might help on your journey. 

The day had been relatively quiet and you were all enjoying the break. Gandalf had wandered off somewhere as was his habit. Legolas and Aragorn took the lead while you were in the middle with the hobbits. Boromir and Gimli were in the rear. Normally you would be chatting with your little friends, hearing tales of the shire but today you were quiet. Truth be told, you were eavesdropping on Aragorn and Legolas's conversation. Not that it was hard. They were speaking at a normal volume. It wasn't your fault they assumed no one else could speak the language of the Sindarin Elves. 

"We should take advantage of the calm day and stop soon, my friend. Everyone could use a night of good rest," Aragorn said with a glance at Legolas.

Legolas nodded once as he continued to look for threats around them. "I agree. It may get cold this evening. You should set your bedding close to Y/N's so you can offer to keep her warm." There was a teasing lilt to the elf's tone and you had to bite back a bark of surprised laughter. 

You were careful not to meet Aragorn's eyes when he glanced quickly in your direction. 

"Hush, Legolas. Y/N is not for me. And I'm fairly certain Boromir would skin me should I even consider it," Aragorn commented.

You couldn't deny the disappointment you felt when he said you weren't for him. He wasn't entirely wrong about Boromir either. If your brothers had their way you'd probably never marry. They were entirely too overprotective. Part of it was them attempting to compensate for your neglectful father, which you accomplished, but more often than not all they accomplished was annoying you. 

Legolas laughed. "I am certain the lady could protect you. She is a formidable warrior."

You could see the edge of Aragorn's smile as he contemplated his friend's words. "That she is. I hope her future spouse gives her the appreciation she deserves."

"You could be sure of that if you were the one to court her," the elf responded.

"Enough, Legolas."


It wasn't long until the Fellowship stopped and set up an early camp. Legolas managed to shoot a couple of rabbits that you all shared for dinner along with food from your packs. You sat near the fire, watching the flames dance as you finished eating. Your eyes darted up when you heard Legolas speak in his native tongue once more. 

"You're staring," he said to Aragorn. 

You shifted your gaze back to the fire and bit your lip to keep from smiling. 

Aragorn sighed. "You are being very persistent today, my friend." When Legolas didn't respond, Aragorn continued. "Besides, there is no harm in enjoying the view."

The elf laughed. "So you do like her?"

"Apparently that's fairly obvious if your teasing today is anything to go by." Aragorn puffed on his pipe. 

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