What is wrong with you? - Kili

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You were part of the Company on a quest to take back Erebor. You'd been well trained in hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting by your human father much to the chagrin of your dwarf mother. In fact, you'd become friends with the princes by challenging them to a match when you were all much younger. It hadn't taken long for the three of you to become near inseparable. You were quite certain that your invitation to join the Company had come at the brothers' urging. Thorin loved you like a niece and had complemented your skills more than once, but you were still a female and that meant you needed protection. At least according to male dwarf mentality. 

The thought made you snort in derision. 

"You all right there, lass?" Bofur asked from his place beside you. 

You pursed your lips and narrowed your eyes. "Everything's just fine, Bofur," you answered. You waited for him to shift his gaze away before stealing his hat and placing it firmly on your own head. 

"Y/N!" Bofur hollered. "Give it back."

"Um...no," you responded as you spun away from him. The rest of the Company cheered you on or laughed at poor Bofur's attempts to retrieve his beloved hat. You and Bofur had always gotten along well, but the two of you had grown closer on the journey as your personalities meshed so well. You were always teasing each other.

Suddenly the hat was snatched from your head. You turned in surprise to find a scowling Kili. "It's not funny, Y/N. Grow up," he snapped at you before thrusting the hat in Bofur's direction.

You swallowed past the lump in your throat and your eyes stung. Kili had been like this for days. Always snapping at you. It didn't matter what you did, it wasn't good enough. It hurt that he talked to you as he did as you'd always been closer to him than any of the others. You fell back into step, keeping your head down. 

"I-I didn't mind it so much, Y/N," Bofur said from beside you. 

You nodded but still didn't lift your head. Several of the others tried to engage you in conversation as the day went on but you kept your responses short. The less you interacted with people the less you could do wrong, you figured.

"What is wrong with you lately?" You heard Fili hiss at his brother. You darted your gaze forward to see them walking a short distance in front of you. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kili sounded annoyed, angry. What else was new?

"Look at her," Fili said and you shifted your gaze to the path at your feet to keep from being caught staring. 

When there was no response, you chanced a glance up only to lock eyes with Kili. If you didn't know better, you'd think you spotted a bit of remorse there before he looked quickly away.

"Just leave it, Fili," Kili said after another long pause.


"I'm going to scout around a little," you say to Thorin. "I've got an uneasy feeling."

That was kind of true. Mostly, you just wanted some time to yourself. 

Thorin studied you for a moment before nodding once. "Fine. But you aren't going alone. Take Kili with you."

That was the absolute last person you wanted to be with right now. "But--"

Thorin arched his brows and frowned. "Is there a problem, Y/N?"

You sighed. "No. Of course not. Come on, Kili," you said without checking to see if he followed. You were so focused on not looking at Kili that you missed the worried look Bofur and Fili shared. 

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