Flirting? - Legolas

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You took a deep breath and released the arrow, smiling when it hit the center of the target. Having hit your tenth bullseye in a row, you decided that was enough archery practice for the day. It was your strength so you tended to spend far more time practicing with your sword and shield. You went to reclaim your arrows. When you turned around you were surprised to see Tauriel and Legolas watching you.

You'd all been friends for years, though you often longed for a more intimate relationship with the Elven prince. But you would take what you could get. A small smile curled the corner of your mouth. "Hello. What brings you two here? I thought you were hunting spiders today."

After a moment of silence, Tauriel elbowed Legolas in his side causing you to lift your brows in amusement. "That was wonderful shooting, Y/N. Impressive as always," he stammered out. Before you could thank him, he continued. "Though you have a ways to go before you match either one of us."

His eyes grew wide as he finished speaking and he dropped his gaze to the ground. You frowned. While it was true you were no match for Legolas, you bested Tauriel easily. And why would he even say something like that. "Thank you, I guess," you grumbled as you walked past to head back to your room. There was a festival that evening you needed to prepare for and, frankly, you didn't care to spend any longer in the prince's presence. 

"What is wrong with you?" you heard Tauriel hiss as you disappeared into the trees and you couldn't stop the small chuckle that escaped you. At least you weren't the only one that thought his comment odd. Legolas had been more awkward than usual lately. You didn't know why but figured he'd get over it eventually. At least you hoped he did. You never thought you'd wish for a return to the days where his comments had you a blushing mess, but it was far better than the half-insults you'd been getting.


That evening you dressed in your favorite dark blue dress. The cut was extremely flattering and you always felt more beautiful in it. Gems hung from your neck and ears, their deep blue color the perfect accent. The evening had barely begun when Legolas found you and handed you a drink. "Hello, Y/N."

"Hello, Legolas."

His eyes ran over you from head to toe and his cheeks flushed slightly. "You look beautiful this evening. Though I do think your green dress is more flattering." 

You just blinked at him as he took a sip of his drink and looked around the room. You were contemplating whether or not to say something about his odd behavior when he turned to you once more. 

"W-would you like to dance?" he stuttered out without meeting your eyes. 

You sigh. Dancing was something familiar that you two always did at any of these functions. Some normalcy would be welcomed at this point. "That would be lovely, Mellon." 

Legolas began to lead you through the steps, still not meeting your gaze. You frowned. "Legolas, is everything all right?"

His gaze met yours in surprise. "Of course. Why do you ask?"

"You're being awfully quiet."

"I was just thinking." A faint tinge of red colored his cheeks once more. 


There was a long stretch of silence as he seemed to contemplate what he wanted to say. Finally, he cleared his throat. "I was just thinking about how much your dancing has improved since the last celebration."

You stopped and tugged your hands from your friend's grasp. His brow furrowed when he tried to pull you back into his grip and you stepped away. "I'm not entirely sure what's going on with you lately, but I'm over the insulting compliments or whatever you want to call them. When you've made up your mind as to how you wish to speak to me, please let me know."

Turning away from him, you strode across the room and out the door. You didn't really have a destination in mind but your feet carried you to the gardens. You sat on one of the benches tucked away in a corner. Closing your eyes, you took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself. You probably shouldn't have been so short with Legolas but he was driving you mad. It was bad enough trying to have regular conversations with the elf without letting on you liked him. You had no idea how to react to him now. Your recent interactions with him had you wondering if he even still cared for you as a friend.

"Y/N?" Legolas's soft voice had you opening your eyes to look at him. He was frowning as he stared at his hands. "This has all gone incredibly wrong."

"What has?" You tried to keep the irritation out of your voice but weren't certain if you were successful or not. When he didn't answer you stood with a sigh. "I'm going to bed. Perhaps we can try this again tomorrow, my friend."

As you walked past him, he grabbed your arm and spun you back to face him. "That's just it, Y/N. That's what I've been trying to tell you. I don't want to be your friend anymore."

Hurt pierced through you and you jerked back to put more distance between the two of you. "If that is the way you feel, my prince, I will trouble you no longer."

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant." You paused and he let out a little scream of frustration. "Why am I like this with you?" The next thing you knew, Legolas surged forward and pressed his lips firmly against yours. Your eyes widened in surprise before slipping shut as you returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you more tightly against him and you slid your own around his neck.

Needing to breathe you pulled back and locked gazes with Legolas. He took a deep breath. "I've been trying to tell you for days that I love you, Y/N. Tauriel was trying to help but every time I opened my mouth I said entirely the wrong thing. I'm sorry if I--"

You pressed your lips to his again, cutting him off. When you pulled back, you laid a hand against the side of his face. "I love you, too. Now, can we perhaps try that dance again?"

He grinned at you and took your hand in his, leading you back to the festivities. 

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