(S)Mothering - The Company

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A/N: I am back and posting again. Enjoy


The Company and you first crossed paths as they made their way to Erebor. You'd known Gandalf since you were a child and didn't hesitate to offer shelter to his companions. They stayed with you for several days during which you helped them replenish their supplies, mended torn garments and lifted their spirits.

When it came time for them to leave, longing tugged at your heart. You had become quick friends with them in the time they'd been in your home and you would miss them. Besides, you were always up for an adventure. Once they were all mounted on their refreshed ponies, Gandalf turned to look at you. "Well, Y/N, come along. We don't have all day."

You stood there gaping until he gestured to your favorite horse. He was already prepared for the journey, your bed roll and saddle bags included. From that moment on, you were a member of the Company.

Surprisingly it was Ori you became close to first. You were enthralled with his drawings and could sit for hours just watching him create his art. Not that you ever had that much time, but you would if you could. You possessed no artistic talent whatsoever so his fascinated you. As you grew closer to Ori, you also grew closer to his cousins. Nori was a trouble maker of the best sort who never failed to make you smile. And Dori...well he was a mother hen if you ever met one.

"Are you certain you are warm enough, Y/N?"

"Did you eat all of your supper, Y/N?"

"Make sure you don't get separated, Y/N."

Ori thought it was fantastic because it meant Dori laid off him a bit. You found the protectiveness endearing until one night in Erebor. The battle had passed and the Company was intact. A little battered and bruised, but intact. Currently, you were all sat around the fire discussing what needed to be done to return their home to its former glory and who was to do what.

"I want to help Bofur," you declared.

Thorin turned to you, brow arched in surprise. "Bofur?"

You nodded eagerly. "He promised to teach me to make toys. I know that's a ways off, but if I help him, I can learn some of the skills I need." You didn't see the need to mention the crush you had on the dwarf.

Bofur grinned. "Aye. The lass would be most welcome. She has a fine eye for detail, she does."

"That's settled then. Anything else?"

You pursed your lips, hesitant to ask for anything else at present, but this couldn't wait any longer. "I need my own quarters if possible, Thorin. I can clean out a room if that's an issue."

The king chuckled and scratched his beard. "Truth be told, Y/N, I'd gotten so used to Dori fussing over you I forgot you weren't part of their clan. Of course, you can have your own quarters, lass."

"Now just a minute," Dori piped up. "I'm not certain that's a good idea. Y/N isn't familiar with our traditions, our rules. I wouldn't want her getting in trouble due to an oversight. At least put her in with the clanless dwarrowdames."

Thorin hummed and nodded his head as if he were considering it. Evidently seeing the confused look on your face, he took pity on you and explained. "Once our women are of age to be courted, if they have no family to speak of, they house together until they wed." He frowned. "How old are you exactly, lass?"

"Thirty-three, which I am fairly certain is old enough to live on my own." You were becoming irritated but trying not to let it show. You had been on the road with the Company for months. You needed your own space.

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