By Any Other Name - Elrond

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You should have known Gandalf was up to something. After all, when wasn't the old man scheming over one plan or another? But you'd been home for too long and needed an adventure of some sort—even if it was only a small trip to deliver a letter. Gandalf often sent you on little jaunts like this, knowing you became restless.

So, you'd taken his letter, packed your bag and saddled your horse to head for Rivendell. Now, you stood in front of Elrond, Lord of Rivendell as he frowned at the letter you'd handed him. He had to have read through it at least three times by now and each time the furrow in his brow became more pronounced.

Finally, he looked up at you, his gaze narrowing as he looked you over. "Do you know what this says?"

You shrugged as you gave a shake of your head. "No. Gandalf didn't tell me and I certainly didn't read it, if that's what you're thinking."

He waved a hand through the air. "Nothing like that. I was simply curious if Gandalf had discussed its contents with you before sending you to deliver it."

You shook your head again. What exactly had the wizard done this time? When the silence stretched you shifted on your feet as you grew more nervous with each passing second. "Is there something I should know?" you finally asked when you could take the suspense no longer.

Elrond pursed his lips as he looked you over. "Time will tell." Suddenly, all the stress that had creased his features flowed away like water down a drain and he leaned back in his chair. "Gandalf says you like to learn about new worlds. Few are invited openly into our cities but I would like to extend an invitation to you to stay for as long as you wish. I believe there is much here and in our libraries that you will find fascinating."

You sucked in a breath. This couldn't be real. To stay in Rivendell and study would be a dream come true. "That is a generous offer. Thank you, my lord."

He stood with a smile. "Call me, Elrond. And welcome to Rivendell."


Days turned into weeks until you no longer had any idea how long you'd been amongst the elves. They'd easily accepted you into their fold, Elrond himself being the most welcoming. When you weren't in the libraries you were in the gardens. If you weren't there you could be found in conversation with Elrond or his daughter Arwen.

The fact that the Lord of Rivendell sought you out for company and seemed to genuinely enjoy your conversations still amazed you. You'd never considered yourself anything special. Though perhaps that stemmed from the fact that none in your village had shared your thirst for knowledge and adventure. Regardless, he had never made you feel anything less than his equal.

Maybe that was why you fell in love with him. It was stupid, you knew it but it wasn't like you'd planned it. It had happened slowly over quiet conversations and long walks in the garden but it happened just the same. The Lord of Rivendell and Y/N the farmgirl. Yeah, that so wasn't happening.

And then today...Elrond had sent you the most beautiful dress to wear to the festival tonight. The silver and white of the garment shimmered together to remind you of the stars themselves. When you tried it on, you'd gasped at the vision in the mirror. And then you'd turned to the side anxious to view yourself from all angles. A flash of black in the sea of pale color caught your attention.

You stopped and frowned as you focused on the splotch of darkness. The dress cut away at the sides to reveal your ribcage. And the entirety of your soulmate tattoo. At least that's what you assumed it was. It had appeared at the right time, but what was supposed to be your soulmate's name written in their handwriting across your skin looked like something else entirely. Thick strokes of a brush created figures that were unlike any language you'd ever encountered. A sob forced itself from your lips and you quickly stripped the dress.

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