Storms - Thorin

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You eyed the sky as you were sure you heard a low rumble off in the distance. The clouds had been growing steadily darker throughout the day and you just knew it was going to storm. Your hands gripped the reins. You were terrified of storms. It was stupid, you knew that. A child's fear that should be outgrown by the time one became your age but here you were. You were several weeks into your journey with the Company and this would be the first storm you'd endured. If it held off until everyone else was asleep, they'd never know.

"Are you all right, lass?" a deep voice rumbled beside you causing you to startle.

You turned wide eyes to see Dwalin frowning at you. Of course, Dwalin frowned at everyone so that wasn't a surprise. It was a surprise that he was speaking to you at all. Like most of the rest of the Company, he hadn't wasted much time on you. They were only three days into their journey when they encountered you. Gandalf's twinkling eyes fell on you and declared you must accompany them on their quest. "It was meant to be," was all the old wizard said.

You'd simply shrugged and rolled your eyes as you joined the group. You had known Gandalf your entire life and were used to his behavior. You'd also learned not to argue with him as it rarely did any good. Besides, you were bored and this adventure seemed as good as any other.

"Lass?" Dwalin said again, making you realize you hadn't answered him.

The small smile you gave him had to be relatively unconvincing but he seemed to relax a bit just the same. "Just wondering if we'll be finding shelter soon. There's a storm coming."

Dwalin glanced up to the sky with a nod. "Aye. Thorin and I have discussed it. If we come across something we'll take advantage, but we all might just have to get wet. You're not opposed to the rain, are you Y/N?"

"The rain? No," you answered truthfully enough. In fact, there was little you enjoyed more than a warm spring rain. As long as it came on its own without the lightning, thunder or wind.

Dwalin still eyed you suspiciously, but finally he nodded and settled back into his usual place in line.


The rain didn't start until after you'd finished dinner. Everyone scattered and took what little shelter they could under trees or against boulders. You pressed your back against the massive trunk of a tree and put the hood up on your cloak, knowing the carefully cured leather would keep most of the rain from soaking into your clothes. Your knees were pulled up to your chest under the cloak and you kept your arms wrapped tightly around them.

Your eyes sought out the others in the dark, watching as they fell asleep. You had almost drifted off yourself when the first flash of lightning came followed by the low rumble of thunder. Damn it. You'd never get to sleep now. The others seemed completely unperturbed, while you jumped with every flash. You kept reciting your mother's recipes in your head just to have something else to focus on.

When someone dropped down to sit beside you, you nearly screamed. A glance revealed Thorin himself to be your companion. You gaped at him in surprise.

"Shut your mouth before you drown, Y/N," he said with a chuckle.

You snapped your mouth closed and blinked a couple of times before saying anything. "Why are you over here?" you finally managed to ask.

"I'm getting the feeling that you aren't a fan of storms." He repositioned himself and pulled his cloak more tightly around his shoulders.

You huffed out a laugh. "Whatever would give you that impression?" As luck would have it, a large bolt of lightning flashed across the sky just as you finished your sentence causing you to jerk in surprise.

Thorin's laugh was a deep rumble. "Come on, lass. Let me tell you a story."

So, he did. And as Thorin talked you found yourself focusing on him instead of the weather around you. Before long, you drifted to sleep, your head resting on his shoulder.


This became routine between the two of you whenever there was a storm. Thorin said nothing to anyone else, simply setting his bedding up beside yours and the two of you would talk until you fell asleep. Then came the night a few weeks on when he sat his bedding up beside yours when there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

You gave him a little half smile. "No storm today, Thorin."

He didn't look at you, but simply shrugged his shoulders as he said, "You never know when one might pop up. Best to be prepared."

You nodded but that was a poor excuse if you ever heard one. That night the two of you laid quietly by the fire. You weren't in need of distraction so conversation wasn't necessary yet neither of you were sleeping.

"Thank you, Thorin," you said once you were fairly certain most everyone else was asleep.

He turned so he was facing you though there wasn't much to see in the dark. "For what, lass?"

"For taking care of me all those nights. It meant a lot."

"It wasn't any trouble, Y/N. And obviously I don't mind the company."

"Still, you didn't have to."

He reached a hand toward your face but hesitated before he touched you. "May I?"

Instead of answering you took his hand in yours and pressed it against your cheek. Closing your eyes, you gave a little sigh of contentment. When you opened them to look at your king, you found him much closer than he had been before.

He closed the little distance that remained between you until his lips were only a breath away. "I must admit, Y/N, I've become rather fond of thunderstorms lately."

Your smile had your lips brushing his. "Oddly enough, so have I."

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