The Center- Aragorn (Part 1)

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Y/R/N=Your Ranger Name

Cold steel pressed against your neck as you searched through your saddlebags. "Who are you and why do you follow me?" said the man who wielded the blade.

You didn't answer immediately. Instead you patted your horse, making sure she was settled. Then you turned slowly, hands where he could see them. You grasped the edge of your hood and flipped it back. "Has it been long enough that you do not recognize me, Strider?"

His eyes widened as he stepped back and lowered his blade. "Y/R/N? What are you doing here?"

"You tread a dark path, my friend. I am here to see that you find your way through," you replied. 

His brow furrowed. "Dark path?"

You shrugged. You were raised with Strider, aka Aragorn, amongst the Elves. Though you had a gift, it was not a very useful one in your opinion. You merely knew when someone was going to be in need of your aid along with some vague details. Nothing that would help you steer them clear before it happened, but enough you knew to show up to help out, like now. 

He laughed. "You never cease to amaze me, my friend. While others run from trouble, you embrace it."

Your lips twitched in a small smile. "Only for a few, my king. You being one of them."

His smile faded. "I told you not to call me that, y/r/n."

You took your horse's reins in hand and led it over to Aragorn's camp. "Whether you wish to be called that or not, it does not change who, or what, you are. If it makes you feel better, I will call you chieftain," you added with a smirk.

He simply looked at you as he cut off a chunk of meat from his dinner and handed it to you. Aragorn told you once he both liked and hated that you told him the truth he didn't want to hear.


You and Aragorn left the hobbits at the top of the ancient watch tower as you scouted for trouble. "You know, if I had known your dark path held hobbits and Nazgul I might have left you to it," you told him earning a grin. 

Hearing an odd sound you paused, and searched around you.

"Ringwraiths," Aragorn hissed beside you. 

You ran faster than you ever had before, trying to get back to the hobbits before the worst happened. Readying your bow as you scrambled to the top, you scraped the head of your specially treated arrow along the stone and it erupted in flames. You fired at one of the black creatures and relished its shriek as it ignited. Your gaze flashed around finding the hobbits. Where was Frodo?

One of the Nazgul was staring at the ground, approaching with his sword. "No," you breathed and lit another arrow, firing it immediately. It spun as your arrow ignited it. It shrieked as it pointed its sword in your direction then it fled. The hobbits huddled together and Aragorn fought more Nazgul with flame and blade. Another wraith approached the hobbits. You tossed aside your bow as you'd only had two treated arrows. Drawing your sword, you lunged between the wraith and the hobbits. 

Your sword pierced the folds of the cloak as the wraith's blade split the skin along your upper chest. It shrieked and flew off while you dropped to your knees.

"You saved us, Miss y/r/n," Sam said behind you. 

Your throat worked as you struggled to answer, not wanting to worry the little hobbits. Agony flared from the wound and your eyes darted down to the weapon the wraith had left behind. A Morgul blade. Fantastic. Once the piece left inside the wound made its way to your heart you would become a ringwraith. Just what you always wanted.

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