Hello, Love - Eomer

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You sat in front of the small fire with your legs crossed and your sword across your lap. You were semi-lost in the flames though your gaze kept darting over to check on Merry and Pippin where they slept on your cloak. Boromir had fallen trying to save the hobbits. You'd had the choice to run to your dying companion or follow the orcs that snatched the hobbits and ran off. 

You'd followed behind, picking them off one by one from the rear. Thankfully you'd gotten rid of several that way before they'd noticed. No one ever accused the orcs in any form of being overly intelligent. When you fought those that remained you'd surprisingly emerged victorious rescuing your little hobbit friends. You hadn't escaped unscathed however.

You lifted the bandage on your arm to check the large gash you'd received and grimaced when you saw it was still oozing blood. You didn't dare check the wound at your side. It had taken you too long to get it treated and dressed in the first place. You didn't want to open it back up by messing with it.

The sound of horses came to you and you kicked dirt over the fire, putting it out. Hopefully they'd pass you by. You didn't have it in you to even wake the hobbits and hide. In truth, you hadn't moved that far from where you'd slaughtered the last of the uruk-hai. You were letting Merry and Pippin recover and then they were going to have to assist you in finding help. Your wounds needed a professional hand. 

"State your business," an unfamiliar voice called from the dark. Both hobbits woke at the sound and looked around in confusion. 

"Be calm, friends," you said in a low voice. "All will be fine." In a louder voice you answered the man that spoke. "My business is not your business." Your voice was huskier than normal from exhaustion and dehydration. "We're bothering no one. Leave us be and continue on your way." Your hand tightened on the hilt of your blade. You needed no more trouble but you would do what you must to protect your friends. 

You heard someone dismount and draw a sword. "Questioning travelers is the work of the Riders of Rohan. We protect these lands." Now that voice you knew. Very well. 

You turned your head to the side. "Eomer?"

"Do we know each other, traveler?"

You gave a low chuckle. "I would hope so or the wedding shall be incredibly awkward."

"Y/N?" he exclaimed in surprise and you heard him move quickly in your direction.

"Easy," you said before he reached you. "I'm wounded."

"Build a fire," he barked to his men. He knelt beside you and took off his helm. You could barely make out his features in the pale moonlight. 

You laid a hand against the side of his face reveling in the way his beard scratched your palm. "Hello, love."

"Hello, Y/N." He grasped your hand in his and pressed a kiss to your palm. "Are you responsible for the orcs we found?"

"If they are dead, yes."

He sighed. "No wonder you are hurt. Why would you take on so many by yourself?"

"They took my friends," you explained just as the fire bloomed to life illuminating the hobbits. "Merry, Pippin, this is Eomer, my betrothed."

Eomer nodded at them. "Hello, little friends." He turned back to you and began to look you over now that he had the light to do so. His fingers ran lightly over your head and you cringed. Apparently you had an injury there as well. 

"Well, I'm a right mess, aren't I?" you asked.

Eomer smiled at you. "Stay here."

Your eyes followed him as he returned to his mount. When he returned he had a blanket and a small pouch in hand. He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders making you realize just how cold you'd been before. "Let's get the lady and her friends some food," he said before sitting beside you. 

One of his men walked by and handed him a water bladder. He promptly handed it to you and you in turn passed it to Merry and Pippin. Once they'd had their fill, they passed it back so you could drink. When you returned it to Eomer, he wet a cloth and wiped down your face. You stayed quiet as you watched him work. 

"Which injury is the worst?" he asked quietly, looking between your arm and your side.

"Side," you answered and leaned back so he could reach it more easily. One of the men distracted Merry and Pippin and they moved over to join the others at a much larger fire not far away.

You closed your eyes as Eomer peeled the makeshift bandage off your ribs. He hissed through his teeth. "Curse it, Y/N." He sighed. "This is deep. I'm going to have to sew this up."

"I know, love. It will be okay," you assured him. You closed your eyes and clenched your teeth as he worked, trying hard to keep your mind on anything else. 

"Are you all right?" he asked as he finished the last stitch. 

You took a deep breath trying to ease the churning in your stomach. "You're going to have to give me some time before you do the arm."

"Of course." He shifted the two of you so you were sitting in his lap and he wrapped his arms around you. His head buried itself in the curve between your neck and shoulder. "I've been so worried about you. Last I knew you were heading to Rivendell and then no word."

"Would this be the time to mention that I'm part of a Fellowship tasked with destroying the one ring by returning it to the fires of Mount Doom?" 

Eomer went utterly still beneath you. After a long tense moment he pulled back to look at you. "Repeat that."

You smiled and placed your hand along the side of his face before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Fellowship." Kiss. "Ring." Kiss. "Mordor." Kiss.

He drew out the final kiss, finally pressing his forehead to yours when he pulled away. "You're trying to kill me, aren't you? You're going to worry me into an early grave."

"You're not allowed to die for a long while yet, my love."

"That goes for you to, Y/N. I do not know what my life would be without you in it."

"Incredibly dull and much less bloody," you answered immediately.

Eomer laughed as he kissed you again. "All right, my lady. Let me see that arm."

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