Grumpy - Dwalin

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You lowered your sword as you glanced around at your companions. Somehow the company had drawn the attention of a pack of wolves. They were starving and desperate. Bofur had been on watch and spotted them early enough to give you all time to get up and fight. 

Everyone seemed mostly unharmed and the dwarves were busy hauling the wolf carcasses well away from your camp. Ordinarily they'd be used for meat but you were all afraid they were diseased. Your gaze finally fell on the bald, tattooed head of the dwarf you'd been searching for.  "Dwalin!" you called.

He turned at the sound of your voice and gave you a small smile. "Aye, lass?"

You closed the distance between the two of you. "Thank you for saving me," you told him. A wolf had been standing on your chest, ready to rip your throat out when Dwalin took him out with his axe. Your felt your cheeks heat as you spoke and hoped he wouldn't see you blushing in the dark. You had quite a crush on the dwarf and found it difficult to keep your composure when you talked to him. 

He smiled at your words. "You would have had him, y/n. I just helped you get it done a bit faster is all." Your heart raced at the compliment knowing Dwalin didn't give them lightly.

You returned his smile. "Well, thank you anyway." Before you really even registered what you were doing, you kissed the dwarf on his grizzled cheek. Your whole face heated and you were certain you were bright red. 

He looked at you with wide eyes for a moment then his smile fell into a deep frown. "Why would you do that, lass? You want others to think you aren't pure? You can't just kiss a dwarf, no matter how innocent the gesture."

Your heart broke a little at his chastisement. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Gah," he said, throwing up a hand in disgust and storming away from you.

You watched him leave, your bottom lip trembling and tears falling from your eyes. A hand fell on your shoulder and you quickly wiped the tears away. "I'll go talk to him," Balin said giving you a sympathetic glance as he stepped past you to follow his brother. 

You closed your eyes and searched with your mind until you found an owl perched in a nearby tree. With a whisper of thanks you entered the creatures mind and had him fly to a perch near the brothers. You watched the conversation through his eyes. This talent was the reason Gandalf wanted you to join the company, though the dwarves hadn't been made aware of it yet. They knew only you as a small human female that was an excellent fighter with an affinity for animals.

Dwalin was pacing a clearing, kicking at rocks on the ground. Balin popped out of the trees near him, panting. "You upset the lass," Balin said after watching his brother for a moment.  

Dwalin turned to look at his brother but just grunted and continued to pace. Balin shook his head and placed a hand on his brother's arm to stop his movement. "Why would you say such a thing to her? She's been nothing but kind. To all of us. And if I'm not mistaken, she has a bit of a soft spot for you."

"And what would I do with a woman like that? She is entirely too forward, laughing with the princes, joking with Thorin and then she kisses me on the cheek? She is little and human and weak and she is not for me."

You jerked back as if physically struck and pulled yourself from the owl's mind. You didn't need to hear anything else. You were buried in your bedroll having a fitful sleep by the time the brothers returned. 

**time skip brought to you by Thorin's navigational abilities**

You stood next to Thorin and gazed into the woods in front of you. "I've got a bad feeling about this. And the fact Gandalf's run off again."

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