Confessions - Bard

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You sat on the edge of the walkway, your feet dangling over the water below as you enjoyed the peace of nighttime in Lake-town. The crisp air chilled your lungs and dried the tears that ran down your face. Once again, your father was the cause.

The truth was, you were well past marriageable age but your father was not well. He'd refused all suitors because he needed you to take care of him. Not that you'd seriously considered any of them anyway. His illness was self-inflicted dependence on mead. And a horrific temper that came with his overindulgence. 

Many years of experience had taught you how to deal with his rages, how to keep out of his way and stay safe. None of your tricks had worked tonight, however. Your cheek still stung where he'd smacked you. You scalp still ached from him dragging you across the room by your hair. You'd bolted and headed here, to a quiet part of town where you were unlikely to be found and you could simply enjoy the peace of the night and the beauty of the stars. 

"(y/n)?" a deep voice said from behind you. "What are you doing out here?"

Your pulse raced and your heart began to pound. Bard. The only man you'd ever loved, ever even been interested in. Of course he would be the one to find you. "Stargazing," you managed to say as you realized you hadn't answered him. 

"It's late." He crouched beside you and pushed your hair behind your ear on that side. Fortunately, it was the opposite side from where your father struck you.

You simply shrugged, afraid if you started talking to him, you'd tell him everything you'd been keeping secret for so long. 

A weight dropped onto your shoulders. A glance showed you it was a coat and you looked at your friend in surprise. 

He gave a half-smile. "And cold." He shifted so he was sitting next to you. "May I?"

"Well, you already yeah." You smiled to lighten your words. "What are you doing out here, Bard?"

"Who says I'm not out here for the same reason you are?"

You huffed a laugh. "I find that unlikely."

He chuckled lightly. "I couldn't sleep. I looked out the window and saw someone sitting in the dark. I came out once I realized it was you."

After a long stretch of silence he took one of your hands in both of his and ran his fingers over the skin. "Why are you really out here, (y/n)? Don't think I don't notice how often you sit in the dark when you should be sleeping."

You'd have to find a new place to hide that wasn't so close to Bard's house. You wondered if part of you had picked this place because of the proximity. You had to admit to more than one daydream where he rescued you from your sad little life. 

"Okay," he said when you didn't answer. "Here's another question. Why aren't you married yet? And don't tell me no one's been interested. I know better than that."

"My father is sick. I have to take care of him. " The excuse sounded weak even to your own ears. 

"Your father is a drunk. That is hardly an illness."

You couldn't help the sad smile that appeared on your face. "Maybe it was I who wasn't interested, Bard."

He coughed to clear his throat. "And do I interest you, (y/n)?"

Your head to jerked to him in surprise, your eyes wide. "Do you mean...?"

He gave that small half-smile again. "I'm afraid I do. I have been hopelessly in love with you for ages now."

"Why haven't you said anything?" you asked, your voice low, afraid if you spoke too loudly you'd break the spell and find this all a dream.

He looked up and met your eyes then. "What do I have to offer you? Life as the wife of a bargeman, a small home and three children?"

"I think you mean life in a comfortable and loving home with three children whom I love almost as much as their father." You saw the moment he realized what you'd said and returned his smile. 

Leaning forward, he kissed you. It wasn't until he laid a hand on the side of your face that you remembered about your father. With a hiss, you jerked away as pain flared through your cheek.

"What is it, love?" he asked. He grasped your chin lightly in his fingers and turned your head to the side so the torches would illuminate your face. You closed your eyes in embarrassment. You hadn't wanted him to know about this. His fingers lightly trailed over your cheek that bore the mark of father's anger. "Who did this?" His voice was quiet but there was no mistaking the anger in it.

"My father."

He sighed and turned to look out over the water, his hand flexing around yours. "It's not the first time, is it?"

Closing your eyes, you feel fresh tears trace the tracks of the long dried ones. "No. But I learned quickly what set him off. Usually I can avoid it."

"You shouldn't have to, (y/n)!" He started out yelling but quickly quieted down with a gesture from you. "Why haven't you told anyone?"

"He's my father. No one will do anything about it, even if they did know."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

You pull your hand from his and tangle your fingers together in your lap. "I was ashamed that I let this happen. That this is my worth."

He looped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his side before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "You are worth so much more than this. You are worth everything. Never think otherwise again. Will you be all right returning home tonight?"

You nodded against his shoulder. "He'll be passed out by now. Smaug himself wouldn't be able to wake him."

"Good. We wed tomorrow. The children and I will call for you just after first light."

It was fast, but you weren't going to complain. You'd been dreaming about belonging to Bard for most of your adult life. "I love you, Bard," you said in a soft voice.

"And I love you, (y/n). I think I always have, and I know I always will."

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