Unrequited - Aragorn

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You had always considered yourself a smart elf. A capable, rational being. And then you met him, Aragorn, the man you considered your best friend. 

At first, your relationship had been simple. Walks in the woods, meals together, and long conversations as you enjoyed each other's company. You'd been content if not happy until the day he first uttered her name. 

Arwen. Of course you knew who she was, you weren't an idiot. You knew she possessed incredible beauty along with a fierce spirit and a kind heart. It didn't surprise you that Aragorn was taken by her. Nor did it surprise you when it became apparent that she returned his affections. 

What did surprise you was how much it hurt. In the rare moments you were honest with yourself, you admitted that you'd longed for a more intimate relationship with Aragorn for a long time. Now, it seemed it was too late. You sighed and leaned against the trunk of the tree you sat beneath. The sun had long since gone down and now you sat in the garden in the dark watching the fireflies flit around your head. You hadn't seen Aragorn for days. It seemed he no longer had time for you. 

"Y/N?" you heard his familiar voice call and cursed your racing heart. You had to get over this, had to quit allowing him to affect you like this.

"I'm over here," you managed to call back. 

A grin crossed his features as he stepped into sight. "There you are, my friend. I've been looking for you."

"I'm honestly not that hard to find if you put a little effort into it." Your irritation was evident in your tone but it was too late to do anything about it now. You'd already spoken.

Aragorn dropped to sit on the grass in front of you and cocked his head to the side as he looked you over. "Is something troubling you, Y/N?"

You waved a hand through the air in dismissal. "Nothing. Did you need something?"

He seemed to consider his words for a moment. "Yes, I do actually. I need to know what's bothering you."

You sighed. "Honestly? I miss you, Aragorn. I understand things are different now, but I hardly see you any more. It doesn't matter. I suppose I should get used to it at any rate."

"Why should you get used to it?"

Your laugh had a bitter undertone to it. "You know why. Arwen is hardly going to want you spending all your time with me, is she?"

"Y/N, we've been friends for years. I'm hardly going to let Arwen come between us," he insisted.

And you wanted to believe him. Oh, how you wished you could, but it had already happened, hadn't it? "It's a kind sentiment, Aragorn but we both know that if you have to make a decision it will be her." You gave him a sad smile. "And that is how it should be."

He leaned forward and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Your heart sped again at the brief contact.  "That shall never happen. There is no choice that will need to be made. She may be my love but you will always be my friend. Nothing will change that."

"Hello," a soft voice said and you both turned to see Arwen standing near by. 

His smile widened. "Hello, my love. Join us."

"Do you mind?" she asked you. 

You shook your head. "Of course not," you assured her because how could you say otherwise.

For awhile you all talked, asking each other questions, laughing at each other's stories. Then, as always, the love of your life and the love of his became caught up in each other. You could disappear and they probably wouldn't even notice. 

Your heart broke as you watched them and realized that Aragorn's words were true. You would always be his friend. And nothing would change that.

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