Her - Legolas

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For MiddleEarth111 Sorry it took so long. I've had it half finished forever. 


(Legolas POV) 

My eyes followed Y/N as she moved back into camp from collecting wood for the fire. Realizing I was staring, I jerked my gaze back to the flames in front of me. Y/N had traveled as a companion of Gandalf to Rivendell. She had been the second to pledge herself to accompany Frodo on his quest. At first, the rest of us had been uncomfortable with her presence amongst the Fellowship, but she had saved more than one of us more than once by this point. Her skill with a sword was nearly unmatched amongst us. And her aim with her throwing knives was nearly as precise as mine with my bow.

Currently, we were recuperating after fighting a mass of orcs. Frodo and Sam had left us, heading their own way. Boromir was injured, but alive, thanks to Y/N. In the confusion several orcs had attempted to take Merry and Pippin but they'd been retrieved quickly. Now we were preparing a small meal and getting some rest so we could push hard on the morrow. My gaze naturally found Y/N again as I wondered how different things would have been had she not been here.

"You're staring again," Aragorn said as he sat beside me. He smirked around the stem of his pipe.

My cheeks flushed and I cleared my throat. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mmm-hmm," he hummed in a way that said he didn't believe me at all. "Y/N, Legolas. I think you might be more aware of her actions than she is."

"I was merely thinking of her prowess in the battle. If not for her we surely would have lost Boromir. Perhaps Merry and Pippin as well. She is a fierce warrior," I stated hoping my friend would believe the words. For while that was all true, that wasn't what constantly drew my eye. No, it hadn't taken me long to admit, to myself at least, that I'd fallen in love shortly after our journey began. 

"You do realize you would probably have better luck if you actually had a conversation with her that didn't start with 'we need' and end with 'firewood'?"

I scowled at my old friend. "Thank you for your counsel Aragorn. I shall keep it in mind." With that, I rose from my spot and went to patrol around the camp.


Two days later our quiet travel was interrupted by Aragorn calling for us to halt. "Legolas, scout ahead," he ordered. "Take Y/N with you." There was no missing the smirk on his face.

He only smiled wider when he spotted my disgruntled expression. He leaned toward me. "Don't forget to actually scout, my friend. As pretty as she is, I'm fairly certain you've quite memorized what Y/N looks like by now."

I sighed but resisted the urge to say anything further. Instead, I stepped away from the group. "Come, Y/N. Aragorn wishes us to scout ahead." I didn't even look at her as I spoke. Take that Aragorn.


(reader POV) 

You'd been scouting for some time, finding little of import. You kept casting glances at the elf with you wondering if you'd done something to irritate him as he hadn't looked at you since you parted from the others. "Do you think we should head back?" you finally worked up the nerve to ask. You were always so timid when you were alone with Legolas. You hated it, but thus far hadn't been able to come up with a solution. 

"Hmm?" he asked, barely glancing at you. You wondered where his mind had been until you spoke. Not only was he not looking at you, you apparently weren't interesting enough for him to even pay attention to.

You sighed. "Should we head back? We haven't found anything."

He stopped and glanced around. "It is starting to get dark. Perhaps we should."

With that the two of you started to loop around and head back to the others. Legolas hurried in front of you, his elfin feet seeming to almost hover above the ground. You stuck your tongue out at the back of his head. It was rather annoying he was so bloody graceful all the time. 

No sooner had the thought come than loose stones rolled beneath your feet. Your vision wasn't as sharp as the elf's and you'd missed the danger. You let out a little yelp as your feet slid out from underneath and you slid sideways down the hill. Rocks scraped your side causing you to grimace. 

Legolas shouted for you just before you hit your head on something and everything went black.


You kept your eyes closed as you woke. Your head throbbed in rhythm with your heart and you wished Gandalf was here to heal you at least a bit. Radiating warmth told you that you laid near the fire. 

"Are you certain she will be all right?" Legolas asked. 

You heard a chuckle then Aragorn said, "For the tenth time, she will be fine. I have some herbs we can mix when she wakes that should help her head. The rest will heal on its own."

"This is your fault, you know," Legolas muttered.

"My fault?" the king asked. "How do you figure that?"

"It was your damned teasing. I was so busy trying not to stare at her, that I didn't look at her at all. I missed the threat. If I'd been watching her, I could have warned her," the elf insisted. Your brow furrowed as you tried to figure out why Aragorn would be teasing him about you.

Aragorn laughed loudly this time. "You cannot blame me for that. I sent you off together so you could talk. It is not my fault you are trying to deny your feelings for her."

Your heart sped. Could Legolas possibly like you as much as you liked him? You supposed there was only way to find out and took a deep breath. You could kill orcs. Surely you could handle this.

Your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself staring at the dancing flames. Legolas and Aragorn weren't in your eye line so you figured they sat behind you. Gimli was snoring nearby and Boromir laid on the other side of the fire with his eyes open. His gaze met yours and he grinned. He gave you a wink then shifted his gaze to the space behind you.

"You know, elf," the man said. "If you didn't want her to know about your feelings, you probably shouldn't have discussed it so close to her. Unless I'm mistaken she's been awake for some time."

Your face heated as you smothered a laugh. A hand on your shoulder turned you onto your back. Legolas gazed down at you, his long hair hanging. His eyes looked over you. "Y/N. How are you feeling?"

"Sore and very ungraceful," you said honestly.

He smiled and laid his hand against your cheek. He said nothing, simply looking at you. Aragorn popped into your line of sight and held out a hand. "Sit up, Y/N. I have something that should help that head."

You took his offered hand and Legolas placed his behind your back to help you sit up. You groaned as a new rush of pain flowed through you. "Well, if I'm going to injure myself, at least I did a thorough job of it, I guess."

Both men chuckled then Aragorn handed you a cup. Legolas helped you tilt it and you swallowed down the bitter liquid. Why is it that nothing that helped you ever tasted decent? You scrunched your nose at the taste. Aragorn took the cup from you and rinsed it before handing it back filled only with water this time. You gratefully used it to wash the herbs from your taste buds.

Legolas helped you lay back down. "You should get some sleep, Y/N." 

"Are we just going to pretend I didn't hear your conversation?" you asked. 

He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "I suppose that depends on what your thoughts are on the subject."

You gave him a small smile then yawned. "Let's discuss it tomorrow, melin. For now, just hold me while we sleep."

His eyes sparked with joy as he settled beside you and pulled you into his arms. Your head rested on his chest and in moments the steady beat of his heart lulled you to sleep.

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