Home - Thorin

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It had been two months since the Battle of the Five Armies. Everyone had mostly recovered from their injuries and Thorin was now a king with a kingdom. As part of the company, you had been given a room to recover in and an invitation to stay. You weren't entirely sure who had issued the invitation but it was unlikely to be Thorin. A half-elf with human ears, you had been able to hide your heritage until Mirkwood, where Legolas and Thranduil both knew you. While some of the others had gotten over you keeping the secret, Thorin hadn't been one of them. Even when you took Azog down with your bow before he could kill the dwarf king, you got little more than a nod of thanks.

With a sigh, you shoved your belongings into your bag. You were healed now and you were pretty sure you'd overstayed your welcome. Thorin still wasn't talking to you and the rest of the company seemed to have taken to keeping their distance as well. You guessed it was one thing to be friends with you on the quest and quite another to be friends with you here in the dwarven kingdom. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and you quickly swiped them away. You put your pack on one shoulder and your quiver on the other. 

"What are you doing, (y/n)?" a familiar voice said and you turned to see Fili in the doorway.

He eyed you warily as he stepped into the room. You crossed your arms over your chest. "I'm leaving."

Fili frowns. "Why? Your family is gone. We've asked you to stay. Why would you leave?"

"I'm pretty sure the invitation was only extended due to a sense of obligation since I aided the company. We all know I'm not wanted here, Fili."

"That's not true. Why would you think that?"

"Why wouldn't I, Fili? Bilbo and Gandalf went home. Thorin hasn't spoken to me since he heard Thranduil call me by name. This is the longest conversation I've had with anyone from the company in weeks. The dwarves cross to the other side of the hallway when I walk past. I might as well not even be here. No one will notice when I'm gone."

Fili's face fell. He was obviously upset I felt this way. He reached out as if to take my hand but pulled back before we touched. "Listen," he said, "just stay for tonight. Let me talk to you and see if I can convince you otherwise. If you still feel the need to leave, you can go in the morning. I won't try to stop you."

You thought about it for a moment. What difference would a day make really? It's not like you had a destination in mind once you left here. "One night, Fili."

"Yes," he exclaimed. "Put on a dress and I'll be back in an hour."

He hurried from your room without giving you a chance to respond. "A dress isn't the best way to convince me to stay," you muttered even though you were the only one there to hear it.


True to his word, Fili was back in an hour. He complimented your dress then led you to  a room you'd never seen before. Inside there was a long table filled with food. The company sat in the chairs around the table, all of them shouting a greeting when you walked in. You laughed, happy to see your friends.

"Hello, lass," Dwalin said as you sat in the empty seat between him and Fili. 

"Hello, everyone." Your eyes ran down the table. Everyone was here except Thorin and Kili. Thorin's absence was expected. "Where's Kili?" you asked his brother.

Fili smiled. "He'll be along presently. He had to pick something up on the way here."

 You watched with no little amusement as the dwarves piled food on your plate. They always told you that you didn't eat enough. Many jokes and stories were told as you ate. The room fell silent however, when the door opened soon after you all started eating. Kili walked into the room with a grin and a wave. Right behind him came Thorin. 

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