Jealous - Elrond

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You sat at your desk in the corner of Elrond's study while you read through his correspondence. Your official title was that of advisor but you did anything and everything for the elf lord. Over the years you had become very good friends and spent much of your free time together. Elrond valued that you spoke what was on you mind regardless of the circumstances.

At least as far as he knew you did. In reality you told him the truth about every topic save one. Your feelings for him. To be fair, admitting that you loved him wouldn't only be risking your friendship but your job as well. Your life was pretty perfect save one little thing and you just didn't want to risk it. 

Glancing out the window you realized it was getting late. You straightened the papers on your desk and stood. Elrond glanced up as you stood and smiled at you. 

"It's later than I realized," you told him. "I'll finish those up in the morning."

"Did you want me to have dinner brought to us? I believe the kitchen is making your favorite tonight," Elrond asked as he leaned back in his chair. 

"Actually, I have plans this evening." A flush moved across your cheeks.

His eyes widened. "Plans?"

"Yes. Lindir has asked me to dine with him and go for a walk in the gardens." You twisted your fingers together as you awaited his reaction. 

He blinked a couple of times before smiling. "Well, then. Have a good evening, y/n."

"You too, Elrond."

Elrond's POV

Elrond's eyes followed y/n as she walked from the room, his smile fading once she was no longer in sight. Lindir and y/n? How long had this been going on? Surely it was a recent development or one of them would have mentioned it before now. Elrond didn't care for this at all.

But the question remained, why not? They were both his friends. He should be elated if they found happiness in each other. He leaned forward and placed his arms on the desk in front of him. As he glanced around the room his eyes fell on the table where he often dined with y/n. His brow furrowed as he tried to remember the last time he'd taken his evening meal without her. 

Your POV

Lindir and you strolled through the garden as you talked. You'd been friends for years so were easy in each other's company.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Elrond lately, y/n," Lindir teased.

You bumped your shoulder against his. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I work for him."

Lindir lifted his brows. "Mm-hmm. That's why you spend all your free time with him? Be honest y/n, you and I both know the only time the two of you are separated is when you sleep."

You shrugged your shoulders. "I take what I can get, Lindir."

"I still think you should tell him."

"Your opinion is noted. Dismissed but noted. He doesn't feel the same about me, and I won't ruin everything," you said sounding slightly impatient. You'd had this conversation more than once with your friend.

"So you say. Might I ask if you told him your plans for this evening?"

You frowned. "Well he did ask."

"That explains why he is wandering this way I would expect then." There was laughter in his voice.

You looked up in surprise to see Elrond was indeed coming your way from the other side of the garden. He would occasionally glance in your direction from the corner of his eye though he appeared to be trying to do it without you noticing.

"Elrond," Lindir yelled happily. "How wonderful to see you."

Elrond looked at you full on then and smiled as his cheeks reddened ever so slightly. "Lindir, y/n, nice to see you. I didn't expect you to be here this evening."

"It is our good fortune that we came across you. Something has come up and I must leave but I didn't want leave y/n alone. Would you see her back to her room?" Lindir asked, already stepping away from you.

"Of course," Elrond said and smiled at you. 

You on the other hand were grinding your teeth together and thinking of the numerous ways you could get revenge on Lindir. You forced a smile at Elrond, not wanting him to think it was him you were angry with. He offered you his arm and you gladly took it.

"Can I ask you a question, Elrond?" you said after you'd been walking in silence for a while. 

"Of course."

"I told you Lindir and I were going for a walk in the garden, yet you said you didn't expect to see us here. Why?" You looked up to him, studying his face as he formed his answer.

He met your eyes and gave you a small smile. "I'll answer your question if you will join me for a drink. I received a lovely wine from Thedas I've been wanting to try."

"Of course," you said with a nod of your head. 

He led you to his study and opened the wine, pouring each of you a glass. You sipped at the sweet, red wine and tilted your head to study Elrond. He turned his back to you, placing his glass on his desk and running his fingers along the edge. 

"I didn't like it when you told me you were meeting Lindir, y/n," he said, his voice quiet. "You are correct that you told me you would be there with him. I went with the purpose of interrupting."

Your heart pounded in your chest. Did this mean what you thought it did? "Why?" your voice was breathy, anxious. You took a step toward him and sat your glass on the table beside you.

He turned suddenly and closed the little distance left between you. His hands grasped your upper arms. "Because I am a fool, y/n. Every morning you are the first thought in my mind and the last before I sleep. I was happy seeing you all day, knowing you'd be there. It occurred to me this evening that may not be the case if I didn't tell you how I felt."

Your eyes were locked with his and you were afraid if you spoke you would break whatever spell he was under. 

"I'm not even sure when it happened, but I love you, melin." He waited only a second before his lips were on yours. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his went around your waist. When his lips from yours it was only so he could run them along your jaw line and down your neck. 

"I love you, too, Elrond," you whispered as his lips brushed your collarbone. 

His fingers tightened against you as he pulled you closer to him.  He moved backward through the study to the door that led to his bedroom. His lips never once left your skin. By the end of the week your belongings had been moved into his rooms. By the end of the season, you were wed. And by the end of the year, you were pregnant with your first child.

Lindir took great pleasure in reminding you he'd been right all along. That didn't keep you from getting even with him for leaving you in the garden that night. 

A/N: Sorry for the delay. Lots of personal stuff going on. It's getting under control though so updates should come more often. 


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