May I interrupt? - Thranduil

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A/N: This is for orochimarutrash Hope you like it.


It disheartened you to see what had become of Greenwood. The once vibrant, lively forest was now dark and forbidding to the point it bore the name Mirkwood. It had been an age since you had visited the area, not since the now king was a mere prince in fact. You hummed at the thought of Thranduil. Once upon a time, the two of you had been great friends. 

There was a time you hoped for more than that in fact, but then Thranduil had chosen another for his bride. You'd stayed for a time but when her pregnancy had been announced, you had taken your leave, unable to watch them be so obviously in love. It hadn't been your intention to stay gone for so long but when you received word of the queen's death, you'd felt too ashamed to return home. You had secretly wished so many times for her to disappear, to leave, to no longer be an obstacle between you and the man you loved that you felt guilty. 

Rationally, you knew your wayward thoughts had nothing to do with the queen's death but that didn't make looking in your friend's eyes any easier. Finally, you made your way home and wondered briefly if the king would even remember you. When you arrived at the gates, one of the guards escorted you to the throne room to present you to the king. 

You were at the end of a line of visitors being presented as there was a festival coming in a few days. Several elves that did not live in the kingdom proper were arriving for the festivities. You watched Thranduil as each person stated their name and the reason for their visit. He looked exceedingly bored, simply nodding and waving his hand to the side in dismissal. Your lips twitched as you fought a smile. He had never cared for the mundane tasks of leadership. 

Finally, it was your turn. Thranduil's gaze ran over you, but you got the feeling his mind was elsewhere. "Greetings, my king. Though it has been many years, this is still my home. I am simply returning to it. With your permission of course."

Thranduil's attention was now focused completely on you, his lips parted slightly in surprise. "Y/N?"

You flashed a lopsided smile and bowed in acknowledgment. "It has been a long time, mellon. I was afraid you might have forgotten me."

"Everyone else is dismissed," he said as he stood. He made his way quickly down the stairs and came to stand in front of you. Grasping your upper arms in his hands, he ran his gaze over your face. "You look exactly the same."

"I would hope so, my king. It's only been a few centuries."

He offered you his arm and led you from the room. "None of that my king business. I am Thranduil to you."

"Of course," you replied as you bowed your head, hoping he wouldn't see the blush that colored your cheeks.


The first night of the festivities had arrived. You dressed, anxious to see Thranduil. This was the first day since your arrival that you hadn't spent time with him. He was busy making sure everything was in place for the evening. He did send you a letter however asking you to be his personal guest and sit at his table during the banquet. 

The more time you'd spent with the king, the more you realized that your feelings for him had not changed at all despite your long absence. You'd also been introduced to Legolas and the two of you had become quick friends. 

You took a deep breath and ran your hands over your dress before walking into the room where the banquet was. You'd worn your best dress in your favorite color with golden embroidery covering the bodice. Your gaze immediately found Thranduil when you walked through the door. His eyes widened when he spotted you and he stood from his chair. His obvious appreciation had you smiling. 

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