Forward - Thorin

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The last thing Thorin expected to see when he entered the hobbit's home was you. His eyes found you immediately and you gave him a soft smile. He fought his desire to return it. There was nothing happy about this moment. You shouldn't be here. His gaze shifted from you to the wizard beside you.

Gandalf stared him down as if daring him to question your presence. It wasn't worth it. Not now. They'd discuss this later. They had for more pressing things to talk about at the moment. Once matters had been settled and the hobbit discussed, the room's attention turned to you.

"And who are you, lass?" Balin asked.


You cast a quick glance around the room before answering. "Y/N."

After a pause, Kili spoke up. "That's it? Just Y/N?"

You hummed in agreement. Your lips twitched when you felt Thorin's heavy gaze on you. Oakenshield was not happy you were here. Not happy at all. And you didn't care in the slightest. You were here because Gandalf told you that only you could save the line of Durin and then promptly forbid you from speaking of it. Stupid wizard.

"No offense, but I don't think this to be the best journey for a female," Dwalin said.

You glanced at Gandalf instead of responding.

He straightened as well as he could in the home that was much too small for him and cleared his throat. "Y/N possesses the skills and advantages of both her hobbit mother and dwarf father. She is more than capable of taking care of herself. And her presence is a necessity should you wish to succeed in your mission."

Noise filled the room as the dwarves began to discuss Gandalf's announcement. It went silent as their king spoke. "I don't want her with us. In fact, I forbid it."

You choked on your drink and turned to him with a lifted brow. He simply stared back with a blank expression. "Well, I guess it's a good thing that I don't take orders from the likes of you then, isn't it, Oakenshield?"


A week had passed and while the others had warmed to your presence, Thorin had yet to say a word to you. While you had found it amusing at first, now it annoyed you. You quickly decided there was no better way to entertain yourself than trying to make the grumpy king talk to you. You started by doing minor things you knew would annoy him. But instead of chastising you directly, he'd tell Dwalin to do it.

After a solid day of playing annoy Thorin, which Kili and Fili enjoyed immensely, you decided to switch tactics. You waited until after the evening meal when everyone settled to spend a bit of time before sleeping. You dug your comb from your bag and settled behind Thorin on the log he was leaning against.

The others went quiet and watched with wide eyes when you took a section of Thorin's hair and started to comb through it. Gasps went up from the others and their king chuckled lowly. But he still spoke not a word to you. Which also meant he didn't tell you to stop. So, you kept working through his hair a little at a time. The others soon returned to their conversations but they continued to look between you and Thorin.

You were nearly finished and he remained stoic and silent. Fine. What you were about to do would assure he had to at least acknowledge your presence. You knelt beside him and placed your comb on his thigh. He frowned at it before looking at you out of the corner of his eye. "Your braid needs to be redone," you told him, keeping your voice low so only he could hear.

The corner of his mouth quirked up and he turned his head to give you a better angle. The moment your fingers touched his braid, the others protested loudly. Balin got to his feet. "Now just a moment, lass. You may have been raised among the hobbits but did no one tell you the importance of a dwarf's braids? You are being entirely too forward."

Thorin was grinning and you crossed your arms with a frown.

"And you," Balin said, turning his fury on his king. "Not talking to her is one thing. Allowing this is quite another."

Everyone had fallen silent again, waiting to see what your reaction would be. Your gaze narrowed as you realized Thorin had no intention of clarifying anything. So, you did what anyone would do in the same situation. You leaned forward and ran your fingers through his beard. As soon as Thorin's eyes drifted shut at the contact, you tugged. Hard.

He yelped and glared at you.

"They think I'm being too forward, Thorin. What do you think?" If the dwarf king was a smart man, he would heed the warning in your tone.

"All right, amralime. I will cease my teasing." He looked around the camp. "Y/N is my wife."

That caused another uproar which you ignored. You simply nodded once and resettled yourself to redo his braid. You slid the beads off the end and slipped them into a pocket to keep them safe. While he told the story of how the two of you met and married within weeks, you redid the braid and put the beads, including the one signifying the marriage, back where they belonged.

You started to get up when you finished only for Thorin to grab your wrist and pull you into him. He wrapped an arm around you and held you against his side while he finished answering questions.

"Can we call you, auntie?" Kili asked and the others chuckled.

You blinked at him. "Only if I can box your ears when you misbehave."

He frowned. "Y/N it is then."

"All right, enough," Thorin finally declared. "Allow me some time with my wife."

After another round of congratulations, they moved around the fire so the two of you had plenty of room to either side. You nuzzled against his side and he kissed the top of your head. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to tell them."

"I was just seeing how long it would take you to demand I speak." The laughter in his voice had you pinching his side.

"I don't like it when you don't talk to me," you said.

He made a noise of agreement. "And I don't like it when you sleep so far from my side."

"Our bedrolls are literally three feet apart, Thorin."

"Yes. Too far." After another stretch of silence, he spoke again. "I still wish you hadn't come. I worry for your safety."

"I told you when we married that I would make a horrible housewife. My place is by your side. Wherever that may be."

"So you did, amralime."

That night, you laidwrapped in Thorin's arms and knew there was nowhere else you belonged.

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