Stay - Fili

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You had never felt quite as out of place as you did as a human living in Erebor. You'd accompanied the Company on their journey to reclaim their home and, after you saved the line of Durin, you were invited to stay permanently. Being in love with a certain dwarf prince, you hadn't hesitated to accept. 

For the most part you felt welcome. Though some of the dwarrowdams had done their best to make sure you knew you didn't belong. You had talked with Kili about it more than once and he had come to the conclusion the others were jealous of your close friendship with the Durins.  

Today was one of those days where you seemed to do everything wrong and felt extremely out of place. It only got worse when you returned to your room to find a note slipped under your door. 

We thank you for your service to the dwarves of Erebor but your presence is no longer required in our kingdom. Please feel free to leave at any time. Should you require anything for your journey, we would be happy to provide it for you. Anything to make your departure swift and trouble free.

Even the dwarrowdams thinly veiled insults were polite. You wadded up the paper and tossed it over your shoulder before pinching the bridge of your nose. The note was right about one thing. You needed to get out of here for awhile. And you knew just where to go. You had business in Dale to attend to. You grabbed a pack and loaded it with a few necessities before heading out to find Oin. 

Not only did you find Oin, you found Balin and Kili as well. You grinned. "Hello, boys."

"Y/N!" Kili exclaimed and pulled you into a hug. You two had become instant friends the moment you met. 

You laughed. "You just saw me yesterday, Kili."

"Don't care," he said as he eyed the bag on your back. "Where are you going?"

"I've got business in Dale. Want to come?"

"You have no idea. Wait here," he ran off, leaving you shaking your head. 

You turned back to Oin. "Can I have some herbs, please?" you asked. Oin always happily provided you with healing herbs before you went on one of your little trips. You haven't had to use them yet, but you felt better being prepared. 

"How long will you two be gone, lass?" Balin asked.

You shrug. "Not long.  I just have to pick up some items I ordered. We'll take our time but we should be back later."

"And I don't suppose you've mentioned this journey to Thorin?" he asked with a raised brow.

"I hardly think the King Under the Mountain cares about my trip to Dale. He's got other things to worry about."

Oin hummed. "And what about Fili? Did you mention it to him?"

Your face flushed at the mention of Kili's older brother. You cleared your throat. "Fili doesn't seem to care much about what I do anymore." You tried not to let the truth behind your words get you down too much. On the journey it had seemed apparent to the entire Company that Fili would court you once your task was done. Instead, he'd distanced himself from you.

"I'm sure that's not true, Y/N," Balin said with a frown. "Maybe he just needs a nudge."

"It doesn't matter." You weren't going to lie and say it didn't hurt, but you weren't ready to give up yet either. One of the things you needed to pick up in Dale was a gift you'd had commissioned for Fili. Giving him the weapons would be a courting gesture. He could either accept or not but at least there would be no more question about his feelings.

Kili returned. "Let's go, Y/N."

You shook your head at his enthusiasm and waved to your friends as you left.

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