{Chapter 1}

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|My Protective Vampire|

|Chapter 1|

My eyes bolt open, I'm lying on the ground, it's ice cold. The last thing I remember is falling into the white light away from my love. I look around me, everything is black. I thought I went into the white light. Where am I? I'm so afraid, I just wanted to find peace after I'm gone. Why can't I find peace? I never wanted to end up here, I wanted to go to heaven not here where there is nothing here, only the darkness nothing more. I can only see black, I can see myself but not my feet, only my hands. I stand up but I fall back down, when I fall I feel my head spinning in circles. Maybe it's best that I stay on the ground for now at least. I still need to figure out what this place is and how to get out of it.

This isn't a place I belong in and it's best that I try the hardest to get out of here, I don't want to be in this place anymore. I can't see if my wound, I don't know if it has healed or not, I can't even see it but it's good that I don't feel it. I touch my chest to feel if the strap wound is there but nothing, it's like it was never there, How? That brings me back to the question of where in the world am I? I have woken up in so many strange and unknown places that this is becoming a habit for me, and I don't like it. I do another try to stand up but this I don't fall down. All right that's a start, a good one. Well half of it at least since I don't know where to go or if I can go, I mean what if there will be something in my path.

I guess I just need to take the chance if I ever want to find away out of here. I slowly walk somewhere, I don't want to fall again and I don't want to take the risk of something begin in the ground that could hurt me. I wish I could see something here, everything is just pitch black and in every direction I look it is still black. "Hello?" I call out to see if anyone is here but I can only hear the echo's of my voice. That means I'm all alone here with no one and there is nothing I can do and no where to go. My only hope is to walk somewhere hoping that I will find something or someone, even the slightest light could help me to find away from this horrible place, I don't want to stay here any second longer.

I have been walking for who know how long and I'm getting really tired with no luck of finding away from here. It's like I'm stuck here for good, is this what happens when you die? If so then begin alive is better, I never wanted to die. I only did it for the guy that I am in love with and I will never take that back, I would do it again for Jason. I love him that much that I did sacrifice and I would do it all over again for him, I would feel the worst pain for him. It is true what they say that you'd do anything for love, I know it is true because when I got stabbed I knew I would feel that pain for him. But I got to remember that he is alive and I'm here, wherever I am which for the record is no where.

I have been walking around but I still can't get anywhere, I thinks this isn't even a place, to me this place is called no where. I drop to the floor from exhaustion, my feet hurt. I the more that I walk the more I lose hope of getting out of here. I know I need to stay strong, I can't lose hope even if I feel like it. I need to think positive and let all the bad things slip out of my mind for good. The bad thing here is that there is no food or water here so even if I do find away out someday I still need to eat and drink to survive. I may not actually survive if I don't eat nor drink, that is or of the reasons why it is so hard to push all the negative thoughts out of my mind.

I just sit on the floor doing nothing, just with my thoughts. Until a light appeared behind me, it's easy to see it when all I have been seeing for so long. I stand up and turn around to look at the light but I can't see it, it's again behind me. Without turning around I look behind me and I need to blink a little to see the light better or what the light brought, the light obviously means that there is away out of this no where place and I want to get away soon. When I can see the light, I can not believe my eyes when I look at it, it's not just light it's something else. I have seen many strange things but I never thought that I would ever see this in my life or even anything like this.

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