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Ria Emmers: Human

She is related to the famous Gilbert family of Mystic Falls. However, understanding the darkness surrounding the infamous town, her parents moved away to protect their children. This didn't save Ria from the abuse of her parents, from being the target of a psychotic vampire, or the bullies of her social circle. She is sent to the prison world by a group of witches called Aja's Coven.

Benedict Cage: Vampire

It is unknown when he became a vampire, but he chooses to remain in the shadows and converse with few people. When he meets Ria, the vampire decides that she should become a vampire and become his partner for the rest of eternity. When she rejects, he murders her family and hunts her down to force vampirism upon her.

Kai Parker: Witch/ siphoner

Born and raised in Portland in the Gemini Coven. Upon understanding that he cannot generate his own magic, he becomes the black sheep of his family and is shunned upon. Acting out in anger, he murders his siblings in a desperate attempt to ensure his spot at Gemini leader, but the Coven send him into the prison world.

The Trinity/ Guardians of the Prison World: Hunters

Upon deciding to aid Kai in escaping from the prison world, the Trinity enter with the mission of removing Ria from Kai's life through any means necessary and keeping Kai imprisoned. Yin is brute force, Yang is intellect, and Wuji is spiritual power.

Addonexus: Healer

A creature with astonishing healing powers that can alleviate any form of physical pain. They can also control pure energy and their sense of vision is extended to understanding a person's emotions. However, the power of healing does not come without a price. Whenever an addonexus heals a physical wound, the process drains certain percentages of one's humanity.

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