chapter forty-eight: In Which She Is Uncertain

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No one expected to see Kai Parker. 

They were certain he was gone forever, gone from memory and mind. No longer would they fear a vengeful psychopath acting on impulse and selfish desire. But the bastard was lucky.

Damon was seething with rage and it took every ounce of reason within him not to rip Kai's beating heart out of his chest and toss it like a tennis ball.

He looked to Bonnie with an expression articulating his disbelief for how it could be possible. While their thoughts were occupied with questions of how Elena's stomach churned with dread and embarrassment.

"You're not gonna believe where I found him."

"Don't give me attitude Emmers," Damon barked out. "I've got one of my own."

"I'm disgusted with all of you. I'm ashamed of all of you. Going behind my back to do something that you had no right doing, and then facing me with a smile and lying to my face. And even still, you're going to stand there defiantly like nothing's wrong."

"Something is wrong, Ria. What you think you have with him, that's what's wrong. How many times do we have to tell you that he's not a good person? He kills people. He enjoys it. He killed his family, people who happened to be in the same room as him in the wrong time. Why are you so blind to the negatives? Is it going to take you becoming one of those people for you to finally understand?"

With that question, Elena reached for her cousin but she wouldn't have any of it. This was the last time she would be manipulated by her cousin.

"You don't get to make that decision for me."

"You actually think he loves you?" Damon snapped. He marched towards Kai, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt in a threatening manner. He contemplated bashing his skull in or even ripping his heart out-

"Try it, Damon." Ria clenched her teeth but she didn't falter, "I dare you. Kai has a lifeline. Cut him into pieces and bury him in every corner of the earth but I will always bring him back. As for the girl you love, I'm certain her death would be permanent."

He dropped him in rage knowing the spitfire would carry out her threat.

"If it's destroying you, then it's not love."

"And what do you know of love, Bonnie?"

The witch scoffed, "He gives you ten seconds of his attention, flirts, and suddenly you think he matters more than Elena to you? She's your cousin, your blood. She took you in when you were crying on her doorstep with no place to go. She listened to you and gave you advice. She became a sister to you, and you're just going to throw it all away for a serial killer?"

"I wouldn't have to throw it all away if she would stop making decisions for me if she stopped once and asked herself how is me trying to be with Kai any different than her being with Damon? Is it because Kai's last kill was six months ago whereas Damon's was one year ago?"

"Hey, I've accepted my wrongs. I've come squeaky clean about all that and pinky promised to change. And I have."

"Let me guess, along with this course of redemption you got baptized, found God, gave charity?"

"Now you're pushing it."

"You don't get to choose how sincere Kai was. You don't get to choose if he is forgiven or not. You don't' get to choose whether I love him or not."

"If I may just make a point; I was one hundred percent sincere. I would have definitely worked every lasting day of my life to be forgiven. And I love Ria, nothing about that has changed, and I know she loves me too."

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