three: in which he sits outside her door

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When Kai was sure Ria had fallen asleep, evident from the sound of her snores, he locked the door to her bedroom from the outside as a precaution so she wouldn't leave.

He wasn't going to sit in there and watch her sleep like a pervert, but he couldn't trust her just yet.

He sat outside the door instead, listening to the soft snores and tracing the letters on the cover of the Grimoire.

He had also taped his mouth shut.

Kai had a habit of speaking out loud, unnecessary sentences just spouting out of his mouth because he didn't need to keep his thoughts private from other people.

That was one great thing about the prison world. But now, there was a girl sleeping just behind the door and he didn't want to accidentally wake her up.

It gave him comfort knowing there was someone else in here with him. He hated the silence, he hated it just as much as he hated his coven. That's why he attempted suicide so many times.

Jumping off a cliff.

Stabbing his chest.

Shooting his head.

Hanging from an American pole.

Kai tilted his head, turning another page of the grimoire and smiled when he heard Ria murmur in her sleep.

He didn't know how he felt about the round, doe-eyed girl. He hadn't been around girls for a long time and he wasn't going to lie, he was attracted to her.

But then there was her personality, her morals, Kai groaned; why did people have to be so complex?

She was another person, not to mention pretty, so Kai wasn't going to leave her anytime soon to be alone in the prison world again.

She wanted the coven of witches who tricked her ruined, meaning she was vengeful and could hold grudges for a long time which also meant she was dangerous.

She didn't want to leave the prison world, meaning there had to be something or someone she feared on the outside. Kai banged his head on the wall at the realization that if she knew who he was- what he did, she'd also fear him.

Ria wasn't asleep.

She could hear Kai sitting outside the door and flipping pages in the Grimoire. He'd occasionally murmur and even though he was a stranger who kidnapped her, she was tempted to open the door and invite him in.

They didn't even need to talk, just sit in the room knowing they had someone with them.

He was lonely, she could see that and it was this desperation for a companion that had him act out.

"But it's desperation that causes people to do crazy things, to act without reason."

And it was for this reason that she pretended she was asleep. She had practiced this for nights against Benedict and even his vampire supernatural abilities were tricked when she feigned sleep.

She thought back to something he had told her earlier in the night, "Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to survive."

Kai was right. She became damaged in her desperate attempts to survive and she knew how mean and cruel people and the world were. She didn't like to think of herself as selfish, but if anyone messed with her again it would be the last thing they'd do.

She slowly sat up on the bed and stared at the door. She heard him banging his head softly on the wall and murmuring. It seemed like he wanted to come in but physically couldn't.

She then remembered one of her final memories with Kol Mikaelson.

"Ria babe, just open the door."

"Don't babe me. I am beyond pissed right now and if you know what's good for you, you will leave me alone."

"Should I be scared love?" she could hear him grinning, "forgive me but you are the same girl who tried to fight a mouse with a sock."

She screamed into the pillow, "Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you."

There was silence for a moment then Ria heard a repeated banging coming from the door. Kol was hitting his head against it.

"Babe." Thud. "Please." Thud. "Forgive." Thud. "Me." Thud.

Ria couldn't hold herself back, just thinking of an ounce of pain being inflicted upon him caused her heart to ache with such a pain that she felt breathless. She yanked the door open, hands on her hip, glaring at Kol.

He was grinning, eyes filled with mischief as he leaned down and kissed her fast.

"Please forgive me?"

Ria blinked back tears and closed her locket where a picture of Kol was kept. If he saw her today she'd be the one doing the apologizing.

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