chapter forty: In Which They Meet Some Sense of Peace

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This was the first time that Elena and Ria were alone. 

There was no music to drown out the uncomfortable silence that whispered taunts about their past mistakes, that reminded them of every flaw that fueled their hate and led to this moment.

There was no alcohol to distort their perceptions of what they behaved like in front of others and what they saw themselves as, to distort their emotions so they could convince themselves as well as others that everything was fine.

They were not in the company of their friends and family who would change the topic to some lighthearted discussion about the weather or to provide a buffer for their thoughts.

Ria and Elena were alone in the house, sitting across from each other with a cup of tea in front of them.

Elena could not help but feel uncomfortable in the silence, and this was apparent on the guilt that shadowed her face. Every time she saw Ria, she was reminded of Kai Parker. How was she going to keep this secret from her cousin forever? It took all her willpower not to fold and reveal their plan that led to the separation of the star-crossed lovers. To reveal the truth.

Ever since her cousin had returned, there was an apparent loneliness Elena knew Ria felt. She would stare off into space and when someone called her name a ghost of a smile would overtake her lips, but it wasn't genuine.

He may have been a monster, but Elena could tell that what Kai and Ria had was something different, something unique, and for this reason the lie was eating her alive. Hiding the truth was breaking her.

But with everything that happened, what measured truth?

I would like to take a moment to pause from Elena and Ria...

Truth is not easily measured, it is subjective to all and unique to every circumstance. But the truth of the matter here is that Kai Parker, alone in the prison world, was losing himself to insanity again.

His screams of torment could be heard in every prison world, echoes of one word- one name carried in the wind. Every prisoner at this moment realized that they didn't have it as rough or as painful as Kai Parker.

Truth cannot be measured, is it subjective to all and unique to every circumstance. But the truth of the matter here is that Kai Parker knew that he would never see Ria ever again. This was the only loss that made him understand that, despite being a selfish sociopath, he indeed had a weakness.

He shattered glass bottles against his head in response to the painful memories. Ria came back for him, Ria forgave him, Ria wanted him, but he could never have her.

The truth can set you free of prejudice and change your course of life for the better, but it also has the power to break down every wall you have put up and tear you down piece by piece, to the point where you seek an escape.

The truth can either be a potion for a remedy or a tragedy of a poison.

Truth cannot be measured, is it subjective to all and unique to every circumstance. But the truth of the matter here is that Ria, despite fear and caution, would go back for Kai.

"So, how are you?"

She shrugged in response, feeling conflicted. On one hand, she couldn't let got of the past; Elena killed Kol, she treated her like she was a child who couldn't handle anything, and because of this treatment people began to see her as a weak, fragile, and stupid child who ran around looking for trouble.

But on the other hand, everything had changed. Elena came to help her, forgetting about every time Ria had pushed her away and was there when she needed her, without having to ask.

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