thirty-one: In Which Her Magic is Poison

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Kai sat on a park bench. He clasped his hands behind his neck and stared passively.

As a passerby, you'd see a handsome man sitting on the park bench, smiling as he basked in the sunlight without a worry in the world.

But his inside feelings, the little voice in his head that he could no longer distinguish from his own, those held much darker and malicious intentions.

Then, a scream.

he glanced over to where a young boy was struggling in the arms of a woman.

"No, no! Let me go! Please no!"

"Stop struggling you little twerp, you're weak and pathetic,"

He did not intend on murdering anyone else- at least not until tomorrow night. The angry woman reminded him of his own mother. So, he found himself standing up and rushing towards the woman.

"You're weak and pathetic, just like the others. And you know what we do to weak humans who aren't deserving of their powers?"

He stopped feet away from them. The woman's eyes were as dark as her's. There was static in the woman's voice just like her's.

She never got to answer her own question.

The woman screamed in pain, dropping the boys when her skin began to burn as though hot oil was being poured onto her.

"Egredere de terra hac revertens in catenatas inferni."

Kai recognized the language as Latin. He watched a blonde girl hold a palm up to the black-eyed woman and cast a spell sending her back to hell.

"She didn't hurt you, did she?"

The younger boy shook his head, "No, thank-you for helping me."

"Yeah, now run along and find the others. We have to get going."

Kai stepped forward just as the girl turned around. His heart raced with anxiety.

Round, doe-eyes stared back at him- not in fear, rather in a challenge.

"You're a witch,"

The girl didn't move, her eyes continued to challenge him and her voice became laced with defensiveness.

"Who sent you?"

"That language you spoke was Latin, I remember some of it, I myself learned it when I was really small. Maybe four or five years old."

"Do not avoid my question. At least not if you value your life, now, before I kill you I ask again. Who sent you?"

"You're running away from someone," he said to himself, eyeing the girl up and down.

She wouldn't take his smart attitude or his secretive demeanour. She lunged for his neck but Kai grabbed her wrists and began to drain her of magic.

This was a mistake on his part.

He yelled in pain as he tumbled back onto the ground. This pain surging through his body was something he had never experienced before. It was like poison running through his blood, and his arm was pulsing black.

"You're a siphoner?" The girl breathed out, dropping down beside him. "You're an idiot, all you siphoners are the same. When will you realize magic isn't just yours for the taking? Here, I need to drain the magic out of you or else it will kill you."

She closed her eyes, chanting under her breath. The pain numbed away until not a single trace of it was left in his body.

Kai sat up and asked:
"Who are you?"

She stopped walking away. She looked over her shoulder and signalled for him to follow.

"My name is Macy Doughty, I'm a fugitive of the Elysium Coven."

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